Dear members of this mailinglist
I’m looking for information about my grandmother’s grandfather: Jo(h)ann Heinrich Werner Fortmann. He lived in Amsterdam, was baker there. Was married to Marie Catherine Buijel. They had a daughter: Maria Elisabeth.
I’ve read in the archives of Amsterdam that he was born in Vechta / oldenburg, in 1809. He died in 1851 in Amsterdam. I would like to know more about him: is there more family in Amsterdam, did he have brothers and sisters.
I hope someone can help me.
thanks in advance
Pauline van Kleef from Amsterdam
Hello Pauline,
I checked the colletion of the Fortmann Families in Vechta, there a lot.
Only one person have the first names Johann Heinrich Werner, therefore it sholud be yours ancestor:
Johann Lutger Fortmann, Schuster in Vechta,
*18.Dec.1777 in Vechta, +25.Jun.1846 Vechta
(parents: Johann Heinrich Fortmann - Maria Katharina Linneboom)
oo 17.Jan.1808 Vechta - Anna Maria Elisabeth Helmann *21.Mar.1785 Vechta
*07.Sep.1809 Johann Bernard Josef, oo 24.Oct.1848 Antonette Maria Hoyer
*12.Nov.1811 Johann Heinrich Werner <<<---------
*01.Mar.1814 Maria Franziska Katharina
*09.May.1815 Bernard Adolf +15.May.1815
*18.Oct.1816 Bernard Anton +26.Jul.1820
*17.Apr.1819 Anna Maria Josefina oo 03.Feb.1852 Crapendorf to Theodor Holtmann
I hope it helps,
Werner Honkomp
o, thank you so much, that really helps a lot. I rechecked his birthday-date and in my first mail i made a mistake. It was 1811 (his wife was born in 1809).
So it must be him. Now i know a bit more about him, thanks again
pauline van kleef
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Hallo Pauline,
Probeer, als je hier geen antwoord krijgt, jouw vraag te stellen aan:
Archiv des Bischöflichen Offizialates
Karmeliterweg 4
49377 Vechta,
Lex Kroes
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Do you know if Anna Maria Elisabeth Helmann family come from Oythe?
Steve Hellmann of Edgewood, KY
Hello Steve,
- Anna Maria Elisabeth, born 21.Mar.1785 in Vechta
parents: Rudolf Helmann - Catharina Maria Lüke
Have a nice day,