Hey Liste
I'm looking for some information about some ancestors of mine. It's about the parents of Peter Christopher Jahnke/Jancke/Janke, Hans Peter Jahnke and Maria Elisabeth/Liese Bussacker. I don't have any information about their birth or death. But Peter Christopher was born January 30. 1738, christen February 1. same year in Conow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, according to familysearch.
Peter Christopher Jahnke came to Denmark, mention as a corporal, on the birth certificate of a child of his (Ole Janke) and Juliana Momberg, but they wasn't married; at least I can't find any evidence that they were.
She was a daugther of Ernst Christian Momberg (born around 1741, baptized in Odense, Denmark) and Anna Catrina Christensdatter Schmitt.
Ernst Christian Momberg was son of Johan Hendrich Momberg (born around 1717). I can't find Johans birth certificate or anything about him (except on familysearch, where I got his birth), so I don't know weather his born in Denmark or Germany.
So if there is anyone who has some information about either Hans Peter Jahnke, Maria Elisabeth Bussacker, Johan Hendrich Momberg or any of the other mentioned, I'll delighted.
Yours friendly
Kristian, Denmark
PS: it is okay to write my german, I do understand it, I'm just not very good to express myself in german. Thanks