Isrutis district

I need information on Lutheran Pastor, Hymn writer and translator. Died
in 1747 2-17 in Didlaukai. Thank you Marie Glozeris

The lutheran Pastor of the parish of Didlacken / Ostpr was from 1712 to 1747
Fabian Ulrich G L A S E R. He had only this one appointment as a priest, so
it can be that he was the one who died ion 1747.
Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt in his Book on the lutheran Priests in East Prussia
in 1777 wrote the following: "Ditlacken ...4. Fabian Ulrich Glaser, gebohren
in dem Jodlauckschen 1688 den 14. Febr., ist 1712 den 23. Jan. zu Schlo�
ordiniret, und am 5. Sonntage nach Epiphan. durch den Insterburgschen Diac.
Fock introducieret. Starb 1747 den 7. Nov. S. meine fortgesetzten Zus�tze.
S. 92 "
In his book about the history of the University of K�nigsberg/Pr.- in its
second continuation the so called "Fortgesetzte Zus�tze" of 1769 he wrote on
page 92 the following: "LXXIX Fabian Ulrich Glaser, geb. zu Jodlaucken 1688
den 17. Febr ward 1712 Pf(arrer) in Dittlacken, welches er auch bis an sein
1747 den 7. Nov. erfolgtes Ende geblieben. Er gab 1740 eine Sammlung
litthauischer Lieder heraus, von welchen viele in das litthauische
Gesangbuch gekommen. S(iehe) des Herrn Diac. Pastenaci Nachr. von den
Predigern in dem Insterburg. District S. 47 u(und)f(olgende)."
I think this could fit to your resaerch.
Sorry, but I don�t have the third book.
Hope I could help you
Hans-Christoph Surkau

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