Ingrid re: orianienbaum

Thank you for the web site however after the first page where some pictures are of palace and gardens nothing else is in English...or at lest I couldn't get it in English.

I am hoping that they would send me some pictures/tourist info in English so maybe there is something in that , that I could use.
In the meantime IF anyone has toured this area or lives nearby and could take some pictures of the houses from 1800-1900, and whatever shops maybe there still.
I know the area was behind the Iron curtain after WWII. A family cousin was born there just before the war ended however all pictures they had from back then were destroyed or lost during the Russian occupation of area and the move to another area. he remember very little of that time period and his parents now dead.

At least this was something. thank you again.

May be you will be lucky to encounter someone who speaks English and is
able and willing to help at the town's information office :


I am sure you are aware of this, but I'll pass it along in case someone
needs it. You can cut and paste text from a web site in any language into a
WORD document. Then there is a translate feature - look under TOOLS,
LANGUAGE, TRANSLATE. You set the 'from' and 'to' language and it will
translate. It's not perfect, but you can get the gist of it and maybe gleam
some information.
Good luck,

I am sure you are aware of this, but I'll pass it along in case someone
needs it. You can cut and paste text from a web site in any language into a
WORD document. Then there is a translate feature - look under TOOLS,
LANGUAGE, TRANSLATE. You set the 'from' and 'to' language and it will
translate. It's not perfect, but you can get the gist of it and maybe gleam
some information.
Good luck,