Help! Is it possible for someone to put into English the following message for me.
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Help! Is it possible for someone to put into English the following message for me.
Thank you
Hi folks, I hope I met the content reasonably.
Here are some more Cierpka/Czirpka
Czirpka, I., Profession "Haeusler" (means he lived in a house with a small
garden),Village Maerzdorf, Source is http...
Cierpka, Josef, born 19.3.1914 in Trembatschau, fallen as soldier 16.2.1943
in Dubrowka, rank: private; source: Volksbund (a german organisation to
register fallen soldiers)
Cirpka, August, born 28.8.1904 in Trembatschau, fallen as soldier 12.1.1940
in Petrikau, he was in the 6th Armee.
Cirpka Johann, born 21.3.1888, living in Neumittenwalde (Neu-Mittenwalde),
died 19.10.1956 in Augsburg, source: Heimatblatt 1957/23
Cirpka Wilhelm, living in Neu Stradam, married to Blasek source: Heimatblatt