Holzhaus and Santman or Sandman

Hello, my name is Gary Holzhaus and I am from Castroville Texas. I am 63 years old and am tryhing to find out about my ancestors. I know the names of my great great grandfather and great great grandmother they are Bernhart Henry Holzhaus and her name was Bernardina Santman or Sandman. Can you tell me anything about them, their birth, parents, where they came from and how they got to Ohio??? I would appreciate any little help. Thanks Gary Holzhaus

keep a happy heart, love Becky

Hello Gary,

it is very difficult to find your ancestors with this very reare information.
If they are catholics then could be that they came from Steinfeld / Lohne area in southern of the Oldenburg province.
There are Holthus/Holthaus and Sandmann names.
Do you know the year when they came over to the States and how old.

I try to help,
Werner Honkomp

Is there any hope of the name being Holthaus? There is one listed in
N.Ky born in 1850 (he is listed in the 1880 Census) and there is also
a Bernardina.

Is it possible?

Kathy Reed

I think it should be Holthaus, Holt- is low german - Holz- high german for wood, -haus = house.

I have a copy of a Declaration of in Intent of Dubois County Indiana.
It was signed 1861 by Henry A. Holthaus, Clerk of the Dubois Court.
I have not an idea where he came from - mybe the same origin.
Werner Honkomp


I kept this email and finally got a chance to respond. I have an ancestor
named Maria Bernardina Sandmann, b 31 Oct 1826, Bakum, Oldenburg. She left
Bakum for the US around 26 Sep 1846, but I don't know where she arrived or
settled. Her parents are Caspar Henrich Sandmann and Maria Elisabeth
Stukenborg. Maria Elisabeth Stukenborg is my 2nd great grand aunt. Maria
Elisabeth Stukenborg and her other daughter Maria Josephina Sandmann also
came to the US, but waited until around 30 Aug 1850 to leave Bakum. I also
do not know where they settled. The dates are reasonably close to arouse my
curiosity about your Bernardina Sandmann. I am age 62, so our Bernardinas
may be missing by a generation, but it's worth a try. Is there any other
information that you have that you can share? I have been looking for these
women for a very long time.

Rich Stukenborg

To Garry,

I found a passenger list record:
- Bernhard Holzhaus, 27 years old, arrived on the ship DONAU 14.Aug.1880 Amerika
  (born about 1853)

The Lohne history book listed:
- Bernard Holthaus, emigrated 1846

Werner Honkomp