There is a Hoffman, Bernard in Campbell County, Kentucky in 1900. That is just across the river from Hamilton County, OH. Two of his children are born in Ohio. Bernard in born in July 1860 and is 39 years old.
Here is the info: Kentucky/ Campbell County/ enumeration district 31, sheet 28A
Hoffman, Bernard, born July 1860 Germany, immigrated in 1875, he is a clerk in a grocery store.
Rosa, wife, born July 1870 in Ohio, married for ten years.
Joseph, son, born July 1890 in Ohio, 9 years old
John, son, born December 1892 in Ohio, 7 years old
Mary, daughter, born June 1895, 4 years old, born in Kentucky
Frank, son, born June 1897 in Kentucky, 2 years old
I can look further if you think that this is who you are looking for.
Barb Schroy
St. Louis, MO
A friend search for Bernard H�ffmann, born about 1859, maybe Hoffmann in the States.
He emigrated between 1880-1890 from B�sel(Oldenburg) to Cincinnati and signed later a document in Hamilton which was sent to his family in Germany.
Have anyone access to the census list in Hamilton county 1890, 1900?
Thank you,