Höffmann Cintinnati/Hamilton Ohio

A friend search for Bernard Höffmann, born about 1859, maybe Hoffmann in the States.
He emigrated between 1880-1890 from Bösel(Oldenburg) to Cincinnati and signed later a document in Hamilton which was sent to his family in Germany.

Have anyone access to the census list in Hamilton county 1890, 1900?

Thank you,

The1890 U.S. Census were destroyed in a fire I believe. But you might use
1895 Iowa Census, films are available from Family History Library in Utah.
Don't know if you have them available in Oldenburg.

Last year, I had a 3 month membership in one of the genealogy services
that offered access to US Census records, and found a lot of
information about my Cincinnati relatives. I believe the 1890 census
was among them, so I don't think it was destroyed by fire.
As I recall, you had to look up the 1890 census by political ward,
whereas later census material (1930) had a search engine so you
could simply type in somebody's name and it would return the
results. Of course Hoffmann is a relatively common name in
Cincinnati, so it would be helpful if you had additional info.

Good luck,


The 1890 census was almost totally destroyed by fire.

The 1900 census index at this time can only be found online with a census
subscription to Genealogy.com. I have a subscription there, but not to the

I do have the ancestry.com subscription, including census. A search for Bern*
Hoffman* gave me a hit both 1910 & 1920 in Campbell Co., KY, which is just
across the river from Cincinnati. He was age 41 in 1910 & 50 in 1920. Youngest
children were born in OH ca 1891 & 1893. 1920 indicates he emigrated in 1882 &
naturalized in 1887 (dates are not always exact given memory of some). This is
about 10 years off from your estimated birth, so may not be the right person.

I live in Cincinnati & perhaps given additional details may be able to come up
with more information.

Linda Boorom


There is a Hoffman, Bernard in Campbell County, Kentucky in 1900. That is just across the river from Hamilton County, OH. Two of his children are born in Ohio. Bernard in born in July 1860 and is 39 years old.

Here is the info: Kentucky/ Campbell County/ enumeration district 31, sheet 28A

Hoffman, Bernard, born July 1860 Germany, immigrated in 1875, he is a clerk in a grocery store.

Rosa, wife, born July 1870 in Ohio, married for ten years.

Joseph, son, born July 1890 in Ohio, 9 years old

John, son, born December 1892 in Ohio, 7 years old

Mary, daughter, born June 1895, 4 years old, born in Kentucky

Frank, son, born June 1897 in Kentucky, 2 years old

I can look further if you think that this is who you are looking for.

Barb Schroy
St. Louis, MO

A friend search for Bernard H�ffmann, born about 1859, maybe Hoffmann in the States.
He emigrated between 1880-1890 from B�sel(Oldenburg) to Cincinnati and signed later a document in Hamilton which was sent to his family in Germany.

Have anyone access to the census list in Hamilton county 1890, 1900?

Thank you,

Linda and Werner,

In the 1920 census, it shows that he has twin daughters that are seven years old. I checked "CINCH" online (The Cincinnati/Kentucky newspaper lists) and there is an article about the twin daughters of Bernard Hoffman in the 17 August 1915 KP on page 5. There is also an article on 23 December 1927 on page 1 of the KP titled "Widow is Left Estate". It came up when I searched for Bernard Hoffman. There is a third article on 26 February 1901 in the KP which is a borth notice for a daughter of Bernard Hoffman. These may be worth looking at if you have the time.

Barb Schroy
St. Louis, MO

The 1890 census was almost totally destroyed by fire.

The 1900 census index at this time can only be found online with a census
subscription to Genealogy.com. I have a subscription there, but not to the

I do have the ancestry.com subscription, including census. A search for Bern*
Hoffman* gave me a hit both 1910 & 1920 in Campbell Co., KY, which is just
across the river from Cincinnati. He was age 41 in 1910 & 50 in 1920. Youngest
children were born in OH ca 1891 & 1893. 1920 indicates he emigrated in 1882 &
naturalized in 1887 (dates are not always exact given memory of some). This is
about 10 years off from your estimated birth, so may not be the right person.

I live in Cincinnati & perhaps given additional details may be able to come up
with more information.

Linda Boorom

The Kentucky Death Records show a Bernard Hoffman, age 68 who died 10 December 1927 in Campbell County, KY. That would certainly be the right age.


St. Louis, MO

A friend search for Bernard H�ffmann, born about 1859, maybe Hoffmann in the States.
He emigrated between 1880-1890 from B�sel(Oldenburg) to Cincinnati and signed later a document in Hamilton which was sent to his family in Germany.

Have anyone access to the census list in Hamilton county 1890, 1900?

Thank you,

The 1890 City Directory of Cincinnati, OH has the following:

Database: Cincinnati, Ohio Directory, 1890-91

document.write(dateString(new Date()))March 8, 2004
document.write(disp)11:21 PM

You have the wrong website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Barbara Schroy <baschr@yahoo.com> wrote:The 1890 City Directory of Cincinnati, OH has the following:

Database: Cincinnati, Ohio Directory, 1890-91

document.write(dateString(new Date()))March 8, 2004
document.write(disp)11:21 PM

Hello Barbara,
I think this is the right Bernard Höffmann.

Thank you so much for find ot this and the other notices about this family.

Thank you also to the other list members for help in this case.
