Hit again by the same virus today in "Re: Re: Hanover" message with virus

This is the second time today I've received this virus from listers on the Hanover list. They are unwittingly sending them out to the rest of us & others. Fortunately, Norton Anti-virus is stopping them before they enter my system but what about the rest of you? You may not even know it has effected you. This one came from "Tracey.", perhaps as a result of her receiving the earlier message. Please read and take heed from Juergen Dress's message sent earlier today regarding this virus.
This virus also changed Tracey's return address and to reach her I needed to eliminate the "-" in front of the address. Please do not send out any more messages without eliminating this virus first. Marion

This one was reported to me by Norton as "This file: "IMAGES.DOC.pif" was infected with the: "W32.Badtrans.B@mm" virus."

The file was quarantined by Norton AntiVirus. Tuesday, November 27, 2001