Hinte family

Hi Listers.

              I am descendent from the "Bremen" HINTE families.
              I am aware of these families via the DIE MAUS data banks
(which are the best in the world).
             I would be very happy to correspond with any of the researchers
that are researching the HINTE family, or for that matter any HINTE in
person, who may have an interest in Genealogy.
             I have considerable data dating back to the early 1700's on my
German ancestors & a good deal of data on our USA & Australian HINTE's.
             I am sure that there are many HINTE families with family data
that may be able to fill in some of the gaps I have in my data, Just as I am
more that willing to share with them data that I have, some of which has not
been previously published.
           As I said above I am more than willing to correspond with any
living HINTE or researcher of the HINTE surname.

      Kindest regards Bill HINTE whinte@froggy.com.au