Hilferuf von Magnus Johansen

Hallo liebe Listis,

wer kann helfen? Ich kann leider nicht weiterhelfen, wer aber kann m�chte
sich direkt mit Magnus in Verbindung setzen, oder mich nochmal anmailen, er
hat mir auch eine gedcom Datei geschickt, die w�rde ich dann bilateral

Liebe Gr��e aus Dresden

Anita (Wei�pflog)

Originaltext von Magnus

Hi, ANITA.!!!

I have a question to you. !!!

It is concerning my German Ancestors in Germany. The last person I had
research is a person named Jacob Bendix born in Utersen DE about 1696-1777
but living in Norderstapel married with Elisabeth Bendix 1686-1770 . They
had 5 chrildren who 3 is on my list.

Jacob Bendix about 1774 living in Norderstapel married first with Anna
Timmen and so Elsabe Catharina Peters I think the same dato . They had 2
chrildren : Jacob and Marike.

Deadregister : 1777. Sophia Elisabeth Bendix married Matthies Thiessen from
Neuenkirchen in Ditmarsken DE.

Catharina Elisabeth Bendix married Martin Thiessen in Sct.Peter (church)in
Ejderstedt , age 81.

This Elsabe Catharina Peters was Daugther of Peter Peters ( Zimmermann ) and
Elisabeth Engelandt.

My question is .

What list do you recommend me to used in this case , I mean this person
specially Peter Peters Zimmermann and Jacob Bendix 1696-1777 from Utersen DE
And his wife Elisabeth Bendix 1686-1770. In Norderstapel. Do you know this
people and where they com from . It is very Important for me because I had
heard this persons maybe is from Jewish heritage that com from other nations
to Germany.

My adrs is: Mr.Magnus T.J.Johansen.

Korndalsvegur 8.

FO -470 Ejde.


( The Danish Kingdom ).

My E/mail adrs is: magntor@post.olivant.fo

At last I send you my Geni. Gedcom so you can look at it self what I mean with this letter.

Hallo Anita,
die FamNord-Liste ist sicher richtig:

Viele Gr��e
Sabine (Paap)

Anita Wei�pflog schrieb: