HERZOG of Nalhof (Almena), Lippe

Dear List,
My GGGrandfather Daniel HERZOG came from Nalhof near Almena, Lippe. He sailed from Bremen to New Orleans on the ship President Smidt arriving May 24, 1850, Age 26 and a tailor. He settled in Mason Co., IL, married an American girl, Dolly Lowe, farmed, raised a family, and died in 1899. I have just received confirmation that he is listed in the Almena Church books as born on May 29, 1824 in Nalhof (No.31) with parents of Daniel Herzog and Caroline Lukke(?) of Gross Berkel, Hanover.. His full name was Hermann Friedrich Daniel Herzog and a brother born in Jan. 27, 1822 was Heinrich Adolph Herzog. My questions are (1) Do any Herzogs remain in Nalhof or Lippe? (2) Where do I look for more information about this community and family? (3) Is there another list which would be more specific? Thank you very much. Winnie Hertzog Sihon