Hermann Brockamp/Brokamp/Brokamp Iowa

Hi Werner,

Here's a link to a picture of his tombstone that shows his birth and death

_BROCKAMP, HERMAN - Winneshiek County, Iowa | HERMAN BROCKAMP - Iowa Gravestone Photos
(BROCKAMP, HERMAN - Winneshiek County, Iowa | HERMAN BROCKAMP - Iowa Gravestone Photos)

I have not seen Iowa death records online, but there are State Census
records and he's in an online family tree, if you want more, let me know.

Here's also a link to a portrait of him.


Good luck,

In a message dated 10/26/2012 1:59:36 P.M. US Eastern Daylight Time,
werner@honkomp.de writes:

Have anyone access to the death records of Winneshiek county, Washington
township, Iowa?
I look for Hermann Brockamp, born 1809 in Steinfeld, Oldenburg, Germany
The census 1880 shows the family in Washington township.
Thank you,
Werner Honkomp
Oldenburg-L mailing list

Hello Don,

thank you so much for the gravestone link and the picture - it is great.
Till now I know only www.findagrave.com website, it shows also the Honkomp gravestones in New Vienna.

I will meet Fred Rump on 20. November here in Oldenburg.

Have a nice day,