
        My name is Richard L.Schindall I live in Bettendorf Iowa. I'm searching for information on a family named Janssen that emigrated from Bremen on March 19th, 1904 on the liner S. S. Chemnitz with a destination of Burlington Iowa. The listed their place of residence and birth only as Oldenberg Germany. The family consisted of Johan Dederich Janssen age 59 born in 1845, his wife Anna (Gerdes) Janssen age 58 born 1846, daughter Anna Marie age 28 born 1886, son Johan Diderich Jr. age 26 born 02 Apr 1878, and son Heinrich Gerhard Janssen age 23 born 07 May 1881. Supposedly there were 4 living children but could only find names of three. If at all possible I'd like to learn the village and area of Oldenburg these families originated. Any help you might render would be very gratefully appreciated. If it requires joining your group or any other fee involved please advise.
                                                                                 Kindest Regards,
                                                                                          Richard L.Schindall

Have you checked here? This site is in German and English:


       Many thanks for the prompt reply and helpful information. I'll surely look there today.
                                                                      Kindest Regards,
                                                                                   Richard L. Schindall

Dear List members,

After 5-6 generations as "zu Horn," some of my family changed their names
in the 1700s. Some changed to "von Horn," which I can understand. One,
however, changed his name (and then names of their children) to "Lehmann."
A couple of others, changed to "Oeltjen."

These were not changes to the wife's name, which would make sense. The
changes seem to be out of the blue.

Does anyone have an explanation?

Thank you kindly,
Marilyn in Wisconsin

I did find the "Lehmann." So that's answered

I hope you know that Jansen and various other versions of the name are
like John's son or Johnson in English. It iis a very common name and
without further study it would be tough to locate in Northern Germany.
Try to search oon neighbors in his new home. Typiucally people didn't
just travel solo and knew somebody from the old home area.


I'm sure you understand that people didn't change their names just for
the heck of it. Nothing is out of the blue. There was always a reason.
Mostly names changed based on where people lived - which farm or
estate did they buy or live on. If you went back to the 'local'
history of the area, I'm sure something will turn up which explains
the new names.


Thanks, Fred.

I know about name changes based on the farm they lived on�some of my
ancestors are from Wittlage, where Hofnamen were the name of the game.

I was only kidding with the "out of the blue." I'll keep looking to see
what turns up.

Thanks for your help.


Hello Fred & All
I'm looking for a breakthru on GG Grandparents Arernd Ahrens and Gertina Zorker. One of their sons Illinois marriage record mentions they were, or his mother was, from Jever. I've learned that Ahrens is a common name in Oldenburg but how about Zorker?

Robert "Ahrens" Cooper

Hi Fred,
           Many thanks for the information, Yes, I realize Janssen is a patronomic name however the wifes last name is Gerdes and I gave the actual birth dates and names of two of the sons and the date of departure from Bremen on March 19th, 1904 on the North German Lloyd liner S. S. Chemnitz which arrived Baltimore Port on April 8th 1904. Surely, there should be either police records or port records if they survived both world wars. Thanks again.
                                                                                                                                  Kindest Regards,
                                                                                                                                         Richard L.Schindall

Hi Robert!There is no one in the phone directory from Germany with the surname Zorker. Therefore it must be misspelled. I suppose it could be Soker (but no entry, too), so I think it could be Soeker. This surname exists in Germany.
Greetings from Germany,
Andrea (Korbanka)> Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:42:30 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Re: [OL] Name change: zu Hornvon HornLehmann oder Oeltjen??> > Hello Fred & All> I'm looking for a breakthru on GG Grandparents Arernd Ahrens and Gertina Zorker. One of their sons Illinois marriage record mentions they were, or his mother was, from Jever. I've learned that Ahrens is a common name in Oldenburg but how about Zorker? > > Thanks> Robert "Ahrens" Cooper> Oldenburg-L mailing list>> oldenburg-l -