Help with Allenburg and Gersdorf

As to which Gersdorf - the records I have from the
Church in Wisconsin say Gersdorf, Zwickau, Sachsen -
that is all I know other than the fact that my
greataunts and uncles Wilhelm Max Goldberg, Alfred
Goldberg, Arno Goldberg, and Melane Goldberg were born
there to Wilhelm Goldberg and Paulina Landgraf
Goldberg. Her Church record says she was born in
Allenburg, Sachsen to Hermann and Christianna Kastal
Landgraf. Thanks for the help.

Hi Stacey,

Sorry but there is no Allenburg in Saxony. But I have another information
for you.
There are two Altenburg in Th�ringen and in Sachsen-Anhalt.

Here the informations for Altenburg in Sachsen-Anhalt:

Altenburg (= Almrich): 1.734 Einwohner (1939)
Landkreis Wei�enfels
Zugeh�rigkeit ev. Kirche: Evangelische Kirche der altpreu�ischen Union,
Kirchenprovinz Sachsen
Zugeh�rigkeit kath. Kirche: Bistum Paderborn

Today Altenburg/Almrich is a part of Naumburg (Saale).

Here some interesting informations of Naumburg (

evangelisches Kirchspiel Naumburg, Othmarsplatz 10, 06618 Naumburg
(Saale), 03445-201516

katholisches Pfarramt St. Peter u. Paul Pfarrer Bogdan, Salzstr. 26, 06618
Naumburg (Saale), 03445-202903

Stadt Naumburg
Markt 1
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
Telefon: 03445 / 273 266
Telefax: 03445 / 273 270
Amtsleiterin: Frau Christine Prei�er
Stellvertreterin: Frau Ilona Hartinger

Stadtarchiv Naumburg
Kramerplatz 1
06618 Naumburg (Saale)
Telefon: 03445 / 270 40
Telefax: 03445 / 270 422
Leiterin: Susanne Kr�ner
Mitarbeiter: Christine Seidel
Martina R�der

Here some interesting informations of Gersdorf near Zwickau

Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchgemeinde
Hauptstra�e 186, 03955 Gersdorf Tel: 037203 / 4288, Fax: 037203 / 64290
Pfarrerin Schmidt

Standesamt 03 72 03 / 9 19 22 Frau Gelfert
Ortschronisten (nur Montags) 03 72 03 / 9 19 23

Good Luck for your research.

Kindest Regards from Dresden

Matthias Daberstiel

Stacey Henry schrieb:

Hi Stacey, hi Matthias

Altenburg in Thuringia was the capital of a formerly princedom called
Sachsen-Altenburg. That could be the reason, you're looking vor

Best Regards