Help website means Wilhelmshöhe and Möller

Dear Listener,

I found a site with many interesting first names, but I am not sure how to
use the information.

Please See:

I am interested in ....

1. Wilhelmsh�he s. Kassel

2. Kassel 318; 226
� M�nzkabinett 279
� Wilhelmsh�he, Schlo� 318; 247, (296)

3. KATHARINA II. die Gro�e [1729-1796], 1762 Zarin
4. 368f; 113 (Diderot), 129, 433

5. KATHARINA v. Medici s. Cath�rine de M.

6. The meaning of Hohenems in this statement

ALTEMPS (Hohenems), Marx Sittich Graf von
[1533-1595], Bf. v. Konstanz, 1561 Kardinal,
erwirbt um 1586 Sirletos B�cher 48

Thank you for all your time and consideration. Danke f�r Ihre ganze Zeit
und Ihre �berlegung

I am so lost on Wilhelmsh�he and M�ller of Lippe

Pam from USA