Help needed from Australia

Hello all the helpers,

My GGrandmother and her family/families were from Ronnenberg. I have just
found he immigration into Australia on the "Fritz Reuter" in October 1877.
Her name was

Laura Tanzler listed from Ronnenberg Germany. How can I find her birth
details, as well as her parents. I actually knew her. She died at 99 yrs
old, and it our families wish to find any ancestors dead or alive if
possible. I would be very greatfuly if you can guide me in the right
direction, now I know her birth place was Ronnenberg.

Thank you from Sunny Australia. (I do not speak German,)

Gwen Hughes

In Germany we have only three Tanzler addresses, more in Switzerland.

But if you search the name Tanzler at you can see a lot of "Tänzler", some at "Ronneburg Thüringen" (East Germany) close to Gera.
Therefore it could be Tänzler in Ronneburg, current is there not an address at the phone directory, but 9 addresses in the tow Gera. I'm not familiar with this area.

Good luck,
Werner Honkomp

Hello Gwen,
I think Werner is right - it`s not Ronnenberg/Hannover, but Ronneburg/Th�ringen.
I grew up near Ronnenberg/Hannover and know the churchbooks: there is no Tanzler-Family. By the way, this name is not typical for our region; the ending -ler is often found in South-Germany.

kind regards
Susanne (Schmitz)