Help me find a resource (for Feindt family)

  I have done alot of research on a distant uncle named Julius Feind(t) and his brother, my great-great grandfather, Eduard Feind, who both come from Hanover. However, I have not found any lead (on this side of the ocean) as to where in Hanover they came from. A biography of Julius Feind, written in 1880) has a clue in it, but in my limited searching (internet and libraries) I have not found a way to research the clue/information. Maybe someone on this list can point me in a good direction?
  From the biography: "JULIUS FEIND, retired, Chilton (Wisconsin). Born in Province of Hanover Germany, March 21, 1828. He came to America in 1859, and at once came west to Wisconsin, going to work in Fond du Lac County on a farm......he entered real estate business, and in 1880 built Feind's Block. He is now retired. In Germany he was manager of an estate valued at $500,000, which he carried on successfully for three years, aIso managing the estate of Duke Kilsmanseege... (The entire biography can be read at: History of Calumet County )
  How would I find out where "Duke Kilsmanseege" lived? And, are there registries for the kind of work (financial) Julius was doing?
  Thank you!
  Cheryl (Feind) Janowiak

Hi Cheryl,

     There are more Feind(t) names in Germany than I would have thought! Do
you know of a Helene Feind from Einbeck? She is the only one listed in the
Hannover emigration archives. If she was a part of the family, that might be
a clue. However, many emigrants never registered or got permission to

"Cheryl Janowiak" <> schrieb:


Hello Cheryl,

what would you think of a contact with a living duke Kielmansegg, may be one of the following adresses is still the same as at the time of your anchestor:

- Kielmansegg, Andreas Graf von Lutzhöft, Stalitter Str.2, 24997 Grundhof, Tel 04634-1756
- Kielmansegg, Carl Graf von GutsVerw., Hauptstr. 28, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, Tel. 05064-414
- Kielmansegg, Charlotte, gräfin von, Viktoria-Luise-Platz 10, 12617 Berlin, Tel. 030-2136139
- Kielmansegg, Georg Ludwig, Graf von Gutsverw., Schulstr. 15, 25371 Seestermühe, Tel.
- Kielmansegg, Hanno Graf von, Am Bruchfeld 36, 29308 Winsen, Tel. 05143-1057
- Kielmansegg, J.A. Graf v., Batzenbergstr.7, 79189 Bad Krozingen , Tel. 07633-3352
- Kielmansegg, Katharina, tannenweg 23, 63741 Aschaffenburg, tel. 06021-80208
- Kielmansegg, Peter, Graf, Kastanienweg 9, 69514 Laudenbach, Tel. 06201-45071
- Kielmansegg, Rosemarie, Gräfin von, 25371 Seestermühe, Tel. 04125-244
- Kielmansegg, Sebastian, Graf, Stadtsr. 14, 79104 Feiburg, Te. 0761-34417

There are only two places inside Hanover territory, Winsen and Salzdetfurth.
Only one is an estate: Salzdetfurth. The owner Carl Graf von Kielmansegg is doing the job now himself. "GutsVerw." is short for "Gutsverwalter" and that means "estate manager". So I would start here with a query and perhaps you are lucky right away.


Hans Peter Albers, Bienenbüttel

Now that is called a GOOD LEAD.


"Cheryl Janowiak" <> schrieb:

  I have done alot of research on a distant uncle named Julius Feind(t) and his brother, my great-great grandfather, Eduard Feind, who both come from Hanover.

Hello Cheryl Janowiak,

have been on your site and read the short biography. I assume you also haven`t got the birth-place of the brother of Julius FEIND(T),your anchestor in the direct line. I checked th a bit the living places of the actual bearer of the name and found for FEINDT with the "...DT" a special concentration in the following palces: Stade, Buxtehude, Jork and Hamburg, which is quite opposite the Elbe river to the other three places. As you mentioned especially (finan-cial) estate manager, Hamburg would have been a place for such business.

In 1857 there was a big financial worldwide crisis. Bankrupcy followed bankrupcy. This time it did not only hit the workers and small people, but lots of banks and private properties vanished. So there is a reason for emigrating also for a good skilled financial manager as Julius Feindt and possibly an explanation for him getting started with farm working in 1859. The other writing FEIND with only "...D" is much more seldom today in the former Hanover territory. Of course there are several in Hamburg too, even a famous Bartold FEIND in 1704, but in general seem to be spread more South, South of the Line Berlin-Cologne.

If Hamburg was the place of Julius 500.000 $ estate, you have to consider of the Schleswig-Holstein Kielmansegg also as being possibly the mentioned. Hamburg has been always a finan-cial centre for the Northern parts too. The problem with the earlier named "Bad Salzdet-furth" - one has to put the "Bad" in front, if you do not find it otherweise in modern directories - is that there is no "FEIND(T)" population around today. That does not exclude anything, but indicates always another probabilty.

Hope that narrows things a bit, also things are on a second sight not more as easy and clear as on the first.

Best wishes

Hans Peter Albers, Bienenbüttel