Help find Dietrich Homeyer and his family

Dear Listeners:

I have yet to find my relatives said to come from the Hanover area.

Any information would be a help.

The only item I have is my father (Child 2)�s birth certificate from
Nienburg / Weser

             Great Grandfather Dietrich Homeyer

             Married Great Grandmother Caroline M�ller Homeyer d. 1930

             Son Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Homeyer d. @ 1917

             Married Minna Luise Anna Heusmann (Anna would remarry ??? )

                    Child 1 Alma Homeyer (Iowa)

                    Child 2 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Homeyer --b Sept. 1914
GroB Varlingen jetzt Husum

Great Grandmother Caroline M�ller Homeyer, Alma Homeyer, & Wilhelm Homeyer
come to US 1925

On the Ship Amerika via Ellis Island their sponsor was Great Grandma�s
daughter & husband in Iowa.

My father would live in Iowa and then in Texas with Homeyer cousins on a
ranch in the Panhandle area.

Thank you to all who have helped thus far�. And in advance for any help you
can give.

Pam Homeyer Sullivan

Little Rock AR USA central time hope9 at

    You could try to contact the various churches in Husum and they might
help you:

  If you click on each one, it will give you an email address. St. Marien
may be the oldest church. I'd suggest you look there first.


Dear Listeners:


Gro� Varlingen und Husum geh�ren jetzt zur Gemeinde Landesbergen bei Nienburg.
info at

Best regards Manfred

PS: Der Tipp mit Husum in Nordfriesland ist absolut falsch.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------

AW: [HN] Help find Dietrich Homeyer and his familyHallo, in my list of
ancestors is a Marie Luise Homeier from Husum. She maried 1797, was born
about 1770 in Husum.

Best regard

Manfred (Driehorst)

-----Urspr�ngliche Nachricht-----