Dear Listeners:
I have yet to find my relatives said to come from the Hanover area.
Any information would be a help.
The only item I have is my father (Child 2)�s birth certificate from
Nienburg / Weser
Great Grandfather Dietrich Homeyer
Married Great Grandmother Caroline M�ller Homeyer d. 1930
Son Friedrich Wilhelm Carl Homeyer d. @ 1917
Married Minna Luise Anna Heusmann (Anna would remarry ??? )
Child 1 Alma Homeyer (Iowa)
Child 2 Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Homeyer --b Sept. 1914
GroB Varlingen jetzt Husum
Great Grandmother Caroline M�ller Homeyer, Alma Homeyer, & Wilhelm Homeyer
come to US 1925
On the Ship Amerika via Ellis Island their sponsor was Great Grandma�s
daughter & husband in Iowa.
My father would live in Iowa and then in Texas with Homeyer cousins on a
ranch in the Panhandle area.
Thank you to all who have helped thus far�. And in advance for any help you
can give.
Pam Homeyer Sullivan
Little Rock AR USA central time hope9 at