Heinrich Luhring/Luehring is my Great Grandfather.I am searching for names and information on his ancestors. I believe his parents wereGeorg/George and Sophia Luhring, and they lived in Hanover.
Heinrich was born in 1818 or 1819 in Havover.
He married Anna Windhorst in 1840 in Hanover
He died on July 9, 1894 in Red Wing, Minnesota
He was buried in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 11,1894 in Pilgrim's Rest Cemetary.
His children were:
Sopoia Maria, born in Hanover Dec.16, 1840
Marie Anna, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin March 1, 1842
John, my Grandfather, born in Milwaukee, August 26, 1859
In addition I was informed very recently that he also had these children:
Margaretta, born in Hanover about 1840
Henry, Jr. born in Milwaukee, about 1845
I wowuld appreciate receiving any information you have on Heinrich's ancestors. Or, perhaps you can direct me to someone who can furnish that information. Many Thanks.
John H. Luehring