Dear List,
I have been working through:"Altpreu�isches
evangelisches Pfarrerbuch von der Reformation bis zur
Vertreibung im Jahre 1945, Bd. 1" by "Friedwald
Moeller" and came across a few
interesting names / individuals / data. Now I am
looking for further information, respectively contact
to their descendants to find out if there are
genealogical relationships.
These are the HASSENSTEIN pastors:
- Johann, 1705-1715 and 1720 - 1743 in Plibischken
- Johann Samuel, 1736-1755 in Georgenberg and
1755-1773 in Memel St. Jakobus
- Friedrich, 1748 - 1778 in Didlacken
- Christoph Daniel, 1752-1797 in Nemmersdorf
- Friedrich, 1783 - 1805 in Kallninken and 1805 - 1813
in Kattenau
- Johann Wilhelm, 1851 - 1889 in Schakuhnen
- Johann, 1882 - 1915 in Allenstein
- Dietrich G.J., 1892 - 1900 in Kobutten and 1900 -
1915 in Pissanitzen
- L. Herm. Rud., 1895 - 1922 in Borzymmen
- Otto, 1903 - 1905 in Wielitzken and 1905 - 1908 in
Erich Haupt