
  I am looking for anyone who might be connected to this family: Wilhelm Hasenkamp born 13 September 1848, son of Heinrich Peter Hasenkmap from Grundschottel. Wilhelm married Louise Garthe (24 yrs.old). It was her second marriage and she was the daughter of Wilhelm Garthe. Wilhelm Hasenkamp and Louise Garthe's son Wilhelm was born 19 June 1874.

  Heinrich Peter Hasenkamp born 24 September 1817, died 12 January 1873, he was the son of the carter Peter Caspar Hasenkamp from Grunewald. Then there is a daughter mentioned, but I don't know whose daughter. Her name Wilhelmine Schubbe about 1817, she was the dauther of Franz Schubbe of Wellington.

  Louise Garthe was married to a man by the surname of Dorr, a shepherd, and A.Cath. Heizelmann in Frankenhain province Churchessen. There is also a surname of Horinghausen from the province of Churchessen. I got this information written in German and my translation is not real clear, I hope this will make enough sense that someone might recognize a name.
    Elizabeth Davis USA

Hi Elizabeth Davis,

though I'm not connected to this family, it might help you that a Johann
Heinrich Hasenkamp bought the cottage (I mean: small farm) of my ancestor
Peter Caspar Hölkeskamp in Silschede (today town of Gevelsberg) in January
22, 1827. The village of Grundschöttel (today town of Wetter, Ruhr, the part
of the town is called Volmarstein) is next to Silschede. Both towns, Wetter
and Gevelsberg, belong to the county Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis.
But I must tell you that the name Hasenkamp is rather widespread: In 1705,
there were families with this name in Marmelshagen (Bochum), Weitmar
(Bochum, this family called von Hasenkamp), Volmarstein-Grundschöttel and
also in Wengern (Wetter).
I never heard the place name Grünewald.
Churchessen means in German Kurhessen or Hessen-Kassel.
I wish you success,

Greetings from Peter Ebenfeld