Hi Barbara,
For Friedrich/Frederick Hartmann the father, born c. 1828, I have his birthplace listed as Elbe, Hanover.� I
would take that to be either Gro� or Klein Elbe.� The mother, Henriette Auguste Hartmann, born c. 1838, I have her birthplace as Salzgitter, Hanover.�� They married in� Ballarat, Victoria,� AU. Their son Fred, born 05 July 1860 was born in Inglewood, Victoria, AU.Son Heinrich/Henry, born 1862 birthplace Hanover.Son Julius, born 13 April 1864 birthplace Hanover.Daughter Auguste, born 10 September 1866 in Liebenburg, Hanover.Thanks, Bobbi --- On Mon 09/18, R&B Stewart < raybarbara@comcast.net > wrote:Hi Bobbi, Do you know what part of Germany the Hartman family came from? Thereare many Hartmanns listed in the emigration archives, but it is difficult toknow which names are the ones you are looking for. Do the census recordslist something other than just Germany?Barbara