Harsdorf and Grashof Surnames


My name is Ron Hesdorff. My great great grandparents Friedrich Harsdorf and
Caroline Grashof came from Germany to Texas in 1850. They were from Bühne,
Germany near Rimbeck. My great great grandmother Caroline Grashof was born
in Germany about 1807 and great great grandfather was born on September 2,

Do you know of anyone who has done family research on the Grashof or Harsdorf
family? My great great grandfather's Mother's maiden name was Strube.

I am sorry but I do not speak German.

Thank you,
Ron Hesdorff

Hi Ron,

I have some Harsdorf ancestors.
They lived between 1670 and 1847 in Vaethen (today called Tangerh�tte)around
150 km north-east of B�hne.
My ancestors:

The Churchbooks of Vaethen/Tangerh�tte are available as an access-Database,
but only to view in Tangerh�tte.

try to ask the priest: Matthias Heinrich
Office:Breite Stra�e 20, 39517 Tangerh�tte, Tel. 049-3935/28576, Fax:
049-3935/211126, eMail:

Or I can look for you during my next visit in Tangerh�tte, but I don�t know
when it will be.


    Jean Wernstedt

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