Dear Hannover list,
Do any of you know if Hannoverian soldiers fought on the British side during
the American Revolution? Is there any information printed about this?
Thank you for your help.
Dear Hannover list,
Do any of you know if Hannoverian soldiers fought on the British side during
the American Revolution? Is there any information printed about this?
Thank you for your help.
Yes, there is.
In "Zeitschrift des Historischen Vereins f�r Niedersachsen" 1878 there
is an article about german soldiers for England during the american
revolution. 1775 King George III. sent 5 Batallions, 2365 men of his
hannoverian troops to Gibraltar and Minorka to have his own troops
available. On top of that he made a contract with Obristlieutenant
(lieutenant colonel) Scheither from Hannover to recruit 4000 german
troops who should board ships in Stade at the river Elbe under the
english colonel Faucitt as soon as possible. Herzog Karl I. of
Braunschweig sent 4300 men in 2 divisions to Faucitt. The first division
left Wolfenb�ttel under General Riedesel on 22. Feb 1776 and marched to
Stade. They arrived in Stade 05th of March and boarded the ships between
the 12th and 17th of march. They reached Portsmouth end of march. A name
list of officers down to the rank of F�hnrich is given. The second
division reched Stade in may. No name list given. The total number of
soldiers from Braunschweig for America reached 5723 until the year 1782.
In fall 1783 only 2708 men returned!
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