Hannover-L archives, search engine?

Is it possible to search all the Hannover-L Archives with a search engine?

AS I understand it this is how to saerch all archives.
How to Staatsarchive search: Search all 3 districts
at once or ONE at a time.
Start here:
To go to the search for ALL districts:
Click: Klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie �ber alle Best�nde
gleichzeitig suchen wollen!,Then type a name in
Suchbegriff box and click Suche starten. This just
shows that the Archive has records for that name,
ID's, no names, dates or towns.



Thanks. I mean the Hannover-L Mailing list Archives.


If you do a Google.com search, sometimes it will pick up items from the
Hannover list. You may know that you can search the list archives listed
by topic, author's name and date. However that is tedious work! I went
through all of them when I first discovered the list. It did take many



Tom Allers wrote:

Is it possible to search all the Hannover-L Archives with a search engine?

Yes. The archives are public and as other people mentioned they are
also available outside from of genealogy.net server.

However the original archive is down because of maintenance problems
that should be solved within the next two weeks.

When those problems are solved you may go to this web site

The page is only available in German language. A rough translation is:
  Suchwort: --> Search expression (type in one or more search words)
  Zeitraum: --> Time frame (select search frame)

  alle W�rter sollen vorkommen (UND-Verkn�pfung)
                            --> all words must exist (AND-connection)

  mind. ein Wort soll vorkommen (ODER-Verkn�pfung)
                    --> at least one word must exist (OR-connection)

  Als Wort --> as word (with a leading and trailing space)
  Gro�- Kleinschreibung beachten --> don't ignore lower/upper case

  1 Fehler erlaubt --> 1 error allowed (one mistyped character)

  abschicken --> (Button) send

Kind regards,

Co-Administrator of Hannover-L mailing list

Thanks Juergen!