Hannover Evangelical Lutheran Records

Hello, List members --

I sent a request to the e-mail address below and found that this address is
for the Evangelical Lutheran records in the city of Hannover, rather than
the kingdom of Hannover.


I just spent a week at the Ev.-luth. Stadtkirchenverband archives in
Hannover and they have microfiche of the Church Books for all of the
Ev.-luth churches in Lower Saxony. I think that covers all of the old
Kingdom of Hannover plus Oldenburg. However, I don't know what their
response might be to e-mail queries.

Paul Scheele

Just a thought - Would they let anyone photograph these records??
And then possibly post the results on this list or at another web site??
I'm not sure if there are any copyrighting laws or such -
Anyway - just an idea.
~Lisa Talmage

Researching: Bunke/Buncke and Birnstein (at the present)

Paul Scheele wrote: