
Dear Laura,
Thanks for the PRO tip. I have trawled their catalogue online Laura and
I've been to their London and Kew offices - I spent a week there in
April going through army lists and muster lists. I started with the
lists of those regiments that, according to Kilminster, were in Hanover
prior to 1840.
I thought I'd let you know that I found that the job of searching the
relevant records there would take months.
Of course, before I went, I had read about and checked pensioners
lists. He is not to be found among Chelsea and other pensioners. There
are HAMILTONS cited in the main index among former soldiers but, as I
did not get through the lists of those who Kilminster says were in
Hanover, all I can do is save up to go back. That's why I thought I'd
try the Hannover List again and noticed that I couldn't get Batch
I have also sought help from the English/German List and from Len
Meltzer. Len advised me that there was at least one Hamilton at
Waterloo. I have checked that lead out too. It, like many of the other
leads I have checked, is still "open" i.e. I cannot go any further with
it yet because of a lack of information accessible at this time or this
Thanks also for the tip about the wool. There are Hamiltons in Germany
and there have been for many years; trade is, no doubt one of the
reasons. There were also many Scottish and Irish mercenaries who
fought in Germany for centuries, especially when there was poverty at
home. George, and I, could have descended from one of them. These
mercenaries were not organised by the British government, although they,
later, became integrated into British battalions and the records, I have
been told.

I will follow the steps you so kindly sent. I have only approached the
army pensioner question through a book at the Adelaide genealogy Society
library - quite comprehensive, pre digital age volume listing all
overseas pensioners - and when I was at the PRO. Wish me luck. Of
course, the fun is in the chase - luckily.