I found the message below from May 2006 and was excited to see that there was mention of my Hafertepe ancestors Dirk Hafertepe and his sister Maria Catherina Hafertepe. While I do have the emigration records for Maria Catherina and her son Heinrich Monet, I don't know when Dirk Hafertepe left Germany. Does someone here have that information? Barbara (see below) mentioned his emigration...did you find this in an index for Osnabr�ck?
I'd love to hear from other Hafertepe researchers. I have quite a bit of information on the Hafertepe lines, even those I haven't connected with my family. I do have info on the Missouri, and Hamilton, Butler Co. Ohio Hafertepes, which I am happy to share!
Paula: I wrote to Otto H. some years ago, and he sent me some family information if you are interested in comparing to your family info.
Hello Carol,
The information about Dirk Hafertepe and Maria Catherina Hafertepe is
found in the emigration records for Osnabrück. The website is a little
difficult to understand if you don't know German. I will send you the page
with some directions privately. They came from Merzen which is northwest of
Osnabrück and southeast of Fürstenau.