Glauburg connection to frankfurt

Hello Everyone,

I just had to share this with you. We all know how wonderful it is when one of our brick walls comes tumbling down, and the frustration you feel, when you don't even really have enough time to relish the feeling, before you are immediately presented with another brick wall, Well in the past few weeks I have been on that roller coaster of the ups and downs of genealogy. Tonight though I am writing in total elation.

Here is an excert I received today from Nynke, she and a lady named Annemarth have been digging for me in the Dutch archives and registers. I was introduced to them by a lady named Joan who is a friend of theirs. (okay I hate the i and e thing as I can't ever remember the way it goes, so excuse the misspellings if there are any).

My quest has been to prove or disprove the connection to the Frankfurt Glauburgs. Basically family stories vs. "recorded history", and having the audacity to buck a commissioned Genealogy recorded in the Frankfurt archives, as the whole story.

The one thing the genealogist didn't account for was the human nature of the man he was researching. He may have been like me and very naive as to the fact that there were many illigititmate births back then. I was shocked my self to find in america and overseas it was more common than you would have thought. Guess I thought my generation was the ones who had cornered the market on "loose" morality.

Anyhow here is the excert of the letter I got today. Just wanted to share,

“Extract of the Book of Baptism of the Lutheran Parish (?) in Winzenheim under jurisdiction of the Mayor of Langenlonsheim. On the 9th of October 1789 Susanna Streuber, daughter of the late Rede…???(illegible therefore untranslated text) Jacobi Streuber of Rechtskirchen gave birth here to an illegitimate child which was baptised on the 11th of the same month, witness was Johann Georg Stolting (?) and his housewife Frederika and [the child] received the names Heinrich Ludwig Georg. The father who represented himself in writing and who was reported by her (Susanna?) is Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburg, Governor of the Frankfurt Poorhouse and (Kas??? (illegible) Titular who ordered the child to be given his name Heinrich Ludwig Georg Glomberg.
Laubenheim 9 December 1816. Conform extract, the Mayor of Langenlonsheim, G. Hohlmann

So unless there were more than one Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburg of Frankfurt, during the time period of 1750 to after 1817, then I will have to lay claim to Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburg as being my 3rd great grandfather. Of course I know there is still the slim possibility that there were two Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburgs of Frankfurt during this time period, but realize as I have been told that is not likely. At least there is not another one mentioned. Am open to any thoughts anyone may have as If my "governor of the poorhouse" Heinrich is not "The" Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburg, then on face value of the baptismal records and the marriage documents of the Heinrich (1789), I would say this find of Nynke's would change German history a tad bit and that the bloodline didn't die out in 1860's or 1880's and that it is alive and still flowing in America.

Okay, so I know, there is still the possibility for it to be disputed, but nonetheless, I am estatic over the find and I know of about two hundred descendants in America of this bloodline if there was only one Heinrich Ludwig von Glauburg of Frankfurt from 1750 til after 1817.

Just had to share with you, as another brick wall came down.