well, I think it is enough. Something that sets me up with many mailing lists is that sooner or later somebody starts philosophical discussions about 'why this list' or 'what info in this mailing list'.
For me, the mailing lists have been very useful. I found researchers with links to my family, I got a lot of info and help, I could help many people, and if some people would not fill up always my mail with these discussions, I would be very happy. Maybe you should start a mailing list "should_we_have_a_GFF_mailing_list@genelogy.net" and keep us in peace here!
Greetings from France
well, you know, I don't think this is a philosophical discussion at all. We're
talking about information -- information that would be helpful for all, be they
on the pro or con side of the discussion. It is quite concrete and far removed
from the intellectual hodge-podge of philosophy. I noted from a few
organizations in my not too lengthy search, with much frustration, that somehow
Franken is more distrustful and not as forthcoming with information as, let's
say, the Pfalz (in my particular case). And since 95% of my search centres in
Franken, getting data is like pulling teeth. This is particularly frustrating
because I am not many generations removed from Franken, but was born there and
proudly still speak in a very strong Franconian dialect. I could put a
"Nemberger" to shame.
I agree with Fred. Those of us on the other side of the world might not be
viewed as being able to supply equal contributions with respect to hard facts,
however, it should not be forgotten that we have so many family stories at our
fingertips. Because of our distance from family, these stories were told over
and over again and were etched both in our hearts and our minds. They were our
only connection to our past. We might not know the exact dates of birth and
perhaps only the nicknames, but we can supply valuable details about the
character, the life events and the skeletons. These can provide not only clues
for further research, but can also breathe life and interest into a sanitary,
concise, factual family history. In my particular case, the German cousins
know much less than I and my American cousins do about our forebears.
I, for one, would love to be able to make contact with anyone researching my
lines. They are Schott from Erlangen and Bamberg region, Ertl from Fuerth and
Boehmerwald region, Woelfel from Erlangen and Hersbruck region and Rahm, Ruff,
Vallader, from somewhere in Franken.
Best wishes from Canada,
Elsa Kahler
Bernd Freibott wrote:
Good afternoon Elsa,
think about there are people in Germany they are using the German language
Ther IS a GFF mailing list.
Fred is talking nonsense in all lists. In one he was forbidden to do.
Ther is no question the people like that list or not.
You may found a Boehmerwald - list or others. Tere is no problem.
bet grretings and wishes
Hans Hartmut Schu?ler
Hochheim am Main
Family archive Schuessler
-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
This sure is news to me. Maybe I should know where I am
forbidden to post. I could then stop such activity. Should I ever post
nonsense instead of truth, there is always the avenue of free
speech available which can come out with an opposing set of facts.
26 Warren St., Beverly, NJ 08010
609-386-6846 FredRump@earthlink.net
Hello Elsa:
I found 3 Wölfel in the Hersbrucker Häuserbuch
1) Geog and Marg owned the house Mittlere Siedlungsstrasse 18 from 1941 to 1952 and then it went to a Anna Wittmann. Stadtgemeinde 1935.
2) Louise owned Gartenstrasse 55 from 1942 to 1955
3) Johann and Kunigund 1944. Stadtgemeinde 1936
Best Regards,
Hallo Hans Hartmut Schu?ler,
an Deinem Auftritt kann ich nur das Fragezeichen in Deinem Namen gut
finden. Das grenzt ja schon an Rufsch�digung. Ein Wunder, dass Dich noch
niemand aus der Liste entfernt hat...
"W. Fred Rump" schrieb:
Solche persönlichen Angriffe sollten grundsätzlich unterbleiben. Die
Argumentation von Fred kann ich sehr gut nachvollziehen, aber
dies muss ja nicht in einen Glaubensstreit ausarten. (ich dachte
immer wir Franken sind tolerant.....)
Thanks Larry:
These could be connected. My great-grandfather was a Georg Wolfel who
was supposed to have lived in Hersbruck at one time. My grandmother was a
Margarete Wolfel. They might be connected. I am moving tomorrow and
have all my papers packed. Will check this info out when I get settled.
Elsa Kahler
Larry Mastromatteo wrote:
Das Wort mußte ich mir erst mal im Wörterbuch nachsehen.
Also verstehen auf deutsch.
26 Warren St., Beverly, NJ 08010
609-386-6846 FredRump@earthlink.net
Dear Elsa,
I have some 'W�lfl' in my Daeschler family tree from Langenaltheim.. It's
very near with your Woelfel ..
You can fin them on the lightning list I made this morning, there you can
find too in the bottom of the page a small form where you can ask for
'W�lfl' in geneanet database ...Now it works!
Hope it could help..
If ever you have info about Daeschlers ...
With best regards from France
----- Message d'origine -----
� : <franken-l@genealogy.net>
Envoy� : mardi 25 septembre 2001 05:48
I, for one, would love to be able to make contact with anyone researching
lines. They are Schott from Erlangen and Bamberg region, Ertl from Fuerth
Boehmerwald region, Woelfel from Erlangen and Hersbruck region and Rahm,
Vallader, from somewhere in Franken.
Best wishes from Canada,
Elsa KahlerBernd Freibott wrote:
> Hello,
> well, I think it is enough. Something that sets me up with many mailing
> lists is that sooner or later somebody starts philosophical discussions
> about 'why this list' or 'what info in this mailing list'.
> For me, the mailing lists have been very useful. I found researchers
> links to my family, I got a lot of info and help, I could help many
> and if some people would not fill up always my mail with these
> I would be very happy. Maybe you should start a mailing list
> "should_we_have_a_GFF_mailing_list@genelogy.net" and keep us in peace
Liebe Listenteilnehmer, hello subscribers,
wie ist es moeglich zu diesem Punkt zu kommen wo man
sich gegenseitig Vorwuerfe macht, und alles nur wegen
How is it possible to come to this point of accusations
against each other, because of some misinterpretations of what
really was meant. This list was rather pleasant in the past,
and should remain so in the future. Nobody needs to be evicted
from it because of a translation problem.
Diese Liste war immer eine gute vertraegliche Liste auf der man
Fragen stellen konnte und auch gelegentlich Antworten bekam.
Niemand sollte wegen falscher Auslegung von Worten oder Begriffen
ausgeschlossen werden.
Wenn ich mich recht erinnere ging es im Anfang um diese neue
Vereinsliste, und dem Wert einer solchen Liste. Das sollte uns
wirklich nicht kuemmern, die Vereine haben jedes Recht ihre eigenen
Listen zu fuehren. Massgebend ist fuer uns dass unsere Listen
offen sind und man sich austauschen kann. Und das tun wir auch.
If I remember correctly, this sorry discussion started with the
announcement of a new 'closed Club' mail list, and the question if
such a list was warranted. To that, one can only say that every
organization has the right to run their own information avenue. For us
the important fact is, that our list is and remains open for the purpose
of exchanging information within the scope of the list. We try to do
this on this list. This whole thing is not a matter of 'competition' or
'proliferation', it is a matter of individual choice. Let's face it, this pond
has a lot of fish, large and small, and we will never be able to catch
them all. We will never be able to participate in every list, we pick what
suits us best, and drop it if we don't find satisfaction.
Es ist nicht eine Sache der Konkurrenz, neue Listen entstehen jeden Tag,
und diese Tatsache kann niemand verhindern. Beispiel: Rootsweb Listen,
taeglich werden neue angemeldet, keiner fragt ob schon eine gleiche wo
anders existiert. Die Frage ist nur wer sich daran beteiligt, und ob solch
eine Liste fuer mich nuetzlich ist. Man kann sich nicht ueberall beteiligen.
Aber was jedermann tun kann ist die Listen Archive anzuschauen und zu
sehen was gespielt wird, und man findet bald heraus ob es das richtige
Forum ist. Schliesslich wollen wir ja Familienforschung betreiben und nicht
politisieren oder sich gegenseitig an die Kehle zu gehen.
So please consider that not everybody is perfectly bilingual, there are many
among us who write 'gutes deutsch' and 'bad english, and others who write
'good English' and 'schlechtes deutsch', and I really don't care to which
group you assign me to, but please be understanding in each case. If that
does not work ..... make the list ONE language only.
Cheers, and Gute Nacht
John Merz
Hallo Hans Hartmut Schu?ler,
an Deinem Auftritt kann ich nur das Fragezeichen in Deinem Namen gut
finden. <SNIP>
"W. Fred Rump" schrieb:
Sie ist doch immer noch so. Nicht alles so ernst nehmen. Jeder
plappelt auch mal etwas zu viel. Ich auch.
26 Warren St., Beverly, NJ 08010
609-386-6846 FredRump@earthlink.net