
Looking for information on any Golembiewski family that are near the area of Allenstin, Kraplau Osterode Prussia I believe tham to be Lutheran there was a Samual that was born around the 1800 and married a Gotheibe C.??? would like to know if they had any other children besides Fredrick G. Golembiewski.

Also any Bartz names that are near Wirsitz Kreis, Posen a a town I believe to be named Rudke Muehle located 8km from Nakel. We have down Ruedke but may have been miss spelled. Looking for children of a Ludwig Bartz or Ludwid they had a son Gottleib that was born April 1 1832 looking for other siblings. Are sure that they wer Lutherans

Any information on these family's would be greatly appreciated for a cousin is hopfully come next year to Germany and wants to find the Bartz

Thank YOU Jan Pace