German POWs were also housed at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Gary Beard
German POWs were also housed at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.
Gary Beard
I have in my library the book "German Prisoners of War at Camp Cooke, California, Personal Accounts, 1944-1946" by Jeffrey E. Geiger. Camp Cooke is today Vandenberg Air Force Base near Lompoc, CA. This book is indexed and I would be willing to look up any names you think may have been here.
Linda Pauling in Lompoc, CA
Some German prisoners were housed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Reportedly, some were Afrika Corps prisoners.
The story is that they had an option to work in the laundry for a little
pay. No few 'escaped' to the local Bierstube, and were regularly rounded up.
I am suspicious of the story, at least in part. The early part of the story
is that at first Italian prisoners were housed at Fort Wood, but they were
fairly few in number, so they were moved out and Germans moved in.
As I understand, the only Afrika Corps prisoners were taken by the British.
When? 1942? Early 1943? Well, how did we get Italian prisoners before then?
Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks
There was a German POW camp in Jonesboro, Arkansas, and some of them were Afrika Corps.
Don Schaefer
If I remember correctly the Italians were in North Africa before the Germans
got there so it would make sense that they were the first prisoners to be
I did not know that the British sent any Italians here.
Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks
Your message, in answer to Bob's (dated Jan 13, 2006) was dated January 2, 1997.
Either you are a psychic or you need to change your computer settings.
Jim wrote: