I am working on my family tree of Hilgemann.
My great grand father was Fredrich Hilgemann and was born in Germany.
Any information that you can share I would appreciate.
Martha Hilgeman Henry
I am working on my family tree of Hilgemann.
My great grand father was Fredrich Hilgemann and was born in Germany.
Any information that you can share I would appreciate.
Martha Hilgeman Henry
Please give us more information if you want help. Do you have any idea when he was born, where he settled in America, or any more about the family. Were they Catholic or Protestant? All of this information helps us help you,
Gina Einig
Southern Illinois
John Edward Bokel (12 Aug 1875, St. Louis - 03 Sep 1958, St. Louis).
As a young boy, he lived in Illinois, near St. Louis. His stepfather was a
I see several towns named Bokel on the German map.
Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks
Hello Martha,
More information would be helpful. Was Fredrich Hilgemann an
immigrant to the U.S.? Birth date? Approximate date of immigration? What
do the census records show as a birthplace? Religion? What was his wife's
name if he had one? Children's names if any?
Maybe we could find something with some of the answers to those questions.