Why can I not make the last photo that I uploaded (Franz Gustav Paulien) into a thumprint like the others. Keep trying, no luck. Also, how do I make my email address clickable when I insert it in a page. Thanks for your help.
Hi Dolly,
Why can I not make the last photo that I uploaded (Franz
Gustav Paulien)
into a thumprint like the others. Keep trying, no luck.
Whenever you link to any images, you have to watch your spelling very
carefully. It has to be the EXACT name of the image.
For example you wrote down: Franz Gustav Paulien, but there are no empty
spaces allowed and you should write Franz_Gustav_Paulien.jpg
Also, how do I make
my email address clickable when I insert it in a page.
Just insert: [mailto:Dolly@whatever] , or you can even make it a little
fancier and write: [mailto:Dolly@whatever send an Email to Dolly ]
Just try it out and have fun...
Good night,
Hello Leopoldo Krause,
do you know the following "Link to your roots" :
Greetings from Munich