In a message dated 12/30/2005 12:19:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:
Can anyone tell me what the title of the book means: Ahnentafeln um 1800
Sippschaften aus Stadt and Stift Hildesheim by Gatzemeyer?
What is in the book? I am new to the list and have not heard of it.
I don't have an answer to your question as I don't know the meaning of the
word 'Sippschaften.' (Although if you find such a book, I would be very
interested in knowing more about its content!)
I am interested in knowing whether you are researching the Gatzemeyer name
in the Hildesheim area. I have been looking for Gatzemeyer connections
especially in the Duderstadt Kreis area (the towns of Hilkeroda and Langenhagen.)
My gggrandfather Franz Christoph Gatzemeier was born Sept. 27, 1817 in
Cindy Krieter