Gatzemeyer book

In a message dated 12/30/2005 12:19:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Can anyone tell me what the title of the book means: Ahnentafeln um 1800
Sippschaften aus Stadt and Stift Hildesheim by Gatzemeyer?

What is in the book? I am new to the list and have not heard of it.


I don't have an answer to your question as I don't know the meaning of the
word 'Sippschaften.' (Although if you find such a book, I would be very
interested in knowing more about its content!)

I am interested in knowing whether you are researching the Gatzemeyer name
in the Hildesheim area. I have been looking for Gatzemeyer connections
especially in the Duderstadt Kreis area (the towns of Hilkeroda and Langenhagen.)

My gggrandfather Franz Christoph Gatzemeier was born Sept. 27, 1817 in

Cindy Krieter

Hi, Gail,
Hallo Cindy,

a "Sippschaft" (Sometimes "slang") is nothing more than a
large family, meaning parents, first-second-third great
parantes, childrin, cousins first grade, second grade an so

By the way, there is another "Gatzemeyer-Book", including
family trees coming from the Duderstadt-Area.

As I saved a lot of G. in my data base, specially around
Duderstadt, I am interested in your Gatzemeyers.
May be, I am able to complete your datas.
Pls. tell me your Gatzemeyers (Cindy nat�rlich in Deutsch)

In der Genealogie ist ein Schritt r�ckw�rts ein Schritt

Sch�ne Gr�sse aus unserer
Universit�tsstadt G�ttingen
Reinhard J. Freytag

Date: Tue, �3 Jan 2006 19:18:43 +0100
Subject: Re: [HN] Gatzemeyer book

In a message dated 12/30/2005 12:19:48 PM Pacific Standard

Time, writes:

Can �anyone tell me what the title of the book means:

�Ahnentafeln um

1800 Sippschaften aus Stadt and Stift Hildesheim by


What is in �the book? �I am new to the list and have not

heard of �it.


I don't have an answer to your question as I don't know

the meaning of

the word 'Sippschaften.' �(Although if you find such a

book, I would

be very interested in knowing more about its content!)

I am interested in knowing whether you are researching the


name in the Hildesheim area. �I have been looking for


connections especially in the Duderstadt Kreis area (the

towns of

Hilkeroda and �Langenhagen.)
My gggrandfather Franz Christoph Gatzemeier was born Sept.

27, 1817 in

<> schrieb:

In a message dated 12/30/2005 12:19:48 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

Can anyone tell me what the title of the book means: Ahnentafeln um 1800
Sippschaften aus Stadt and Stift Hildesheim by Gatzemeyer?

What is in the book? I am new to the list and have not heard of it.


I don't have an answer to your question as I don't know the meaning of the
word 'Sippschaften.' (Although if you find such a book, I would be very
interested in knowing more about its content!)

I am interested in knowing whether you are researching the Gatzemeyer name
in the Hildesheim area. I have been looking for Gatzemeyer connections
especially in the Duderstadt Kreis area (the towns of Hilkeroda and Langenhagen.)

My gggrandfather Franz Christoph Gatzemeier was born Sept. 27, 1817 in

Cindy Krieter

Hello Gail, hello Cindy,

the Gatzemeyer books (there are two) describe abt. 100 familys in the Hildesheim area. Dr. Friedrich Gatzemeyer was the author in 1935-1942. The name Gatzemeyer itself is there mentioned only one time: Konrad Jakob Gatzemeyer, teacher 1839 in Hahndorf, later in Langenhagen (Eichsfeld) and Seulingen, born at Langenhagen 29.7.1814, died at Himmelsthür (Hildesheim) 30.3.1905, married at Fuhrbach 28.8.1839 Marie Josefe Koch.

Regards and a Happy New Year
Wilfried (Petersen)

For about 100 families, Gatzemeyer gives very substantial ancestral data in
some detail. It is not easy to work with, for in some cases it goes a long
way between paragraph breaks.

Bob Doerr in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks

Google translates "Sippschaften" as "kinships".
Don Roddy

----- Message from ---------

My translator shows "Clans"