FW: [SPAM] [HESSENLAND] Seeking sources for vital records on a family from the Hamm area ca. 1930-1950

Liebe Emsländer und Grafschafter,

Nachstehende Mail fand ich noch in meinem Postfach, weil ich sie an AFEL
weiterleiten wollte. Hamm gehört zwar nicht zum Emsland, ist aber doch nicht
so weit entfernt, als dass man dort nun gar nichts über Westfalen weiss.

Kann jemand diesem Amerikaner helfen?
Wünsche noch einen schönen Sonntag.
Freundlichen Gruss
Christel (Captijn-Müller)

-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
[mailto:hessenland-bounces@rootsweb.com] Namens Richard C. Randt
Verzonden: donderdag 6 maart 2008 5:56
NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN@rootsweb.com; HESSENLAND@rootsweb.com;
from the Hamm area ca. 1930-1950

Can anyone suggest where I might write for birth, death, and marriage
records for members of a family that resided in Hamm or its local
vicinity during the approximate period: 1930-1950? Unfortunately I am
not fluent in German and am constrained to use English. I am familiar
with genealogical research methods, but haven't attempted any research
in Germany before. Therefore I need guidance from someone knowlegable
about the region.

Perhaps someone can suggest some online websites where I might locate
information about the family members I am seeking.

The family in which I have an interest is described below. They are not
my relatives, but rather, they are close family to a friend of mine who
now lives here in the U.S. She has lost contact with her family and
desires to find out who might still be alive.

Johann Schneider (called Hans) was married to Anna Paar (correct
spelling with 2 A's and 1 R) some time in the 1930s. Anna came into the
marriage with three children by another man (details on him are
unknown), who were adopted by Schneider. They then had two additional
children together. He died ca. 1942, gunned down by the Nazis for an
infraction of government policy. Anna lived until ca. 1961. Details as
known about the children (all used the Schneider surname):

1. Marianne - born ca. 1923 - married Willy Hain, a coal miner - they
had one daughter, Gabrielle - Willy died and it is believed Marianne
never remarried. She worked as a nurse in the Hamm hospital with cancer

2. Karl Heinz - born ca. 1926-1929 - Had left home by 1939. There was
talk he had joined the Foreign Legion. Others speculate he was
conscripted by the German army. No other details.

3. Edith - born 4 October 1932 - Came to the U.S. in the late 1950s and
became a U.S. citizen. Was a professional baker and is now retired,
living in Maryland. Her former husband, Seigfreid K. Langer, recently
died at his home in Pennsylvania. She had two children who both live in

4. Rosemarie - born ca. 1934-1936. Married _____ Tusch. They had no

5. Dorothea - born ca. 1939. She married, husband's name unknown. They
had three children, names unknown.

After WW II, probably ca. 1947-1952, Marianne, Rosemarie, and Dorothea,
as well as their mother Anna, moved to the Hessen area.

Any and all information on this family unit or on sources for finding
the needed information will be greatly appreciated.

Richard C. Randt
Ellicott City, MD, USA