I must have missed something somewhere, because this thread seems to make no sense, but I would suggest that the headstone would be read (not all things translate literally)
Christ who is my life,
in death is my reward
What is the reference to Protestant/Lutheran or Catholic? I've searched my deleted items mail and everything and see no question that his relates to.
Shooting in the dark, you would find that except for the Sacrament of Last Rites (Catholic), the attitudes toward death in the Christian faith are similar among all denominations. And the phrase on the headstone -- if that is what is referred to -- could be found on any Christiain's headstone, not limited to any denomination.
You would also find that many Lutherans would be offended at being lumped in as Protestant. Not sure why this is, but it is so.
Thanks to everyone for the translation help.
Janice Thiele Seiler
Lieb Listies,
I'm sorry.
It was not my intention to insult or offend.
It was my true intention to be helpful.
The traditional way the death of a catholic is announced to the public will usually include the phrase: Fortified with the sacraments of the Holy Mother Church....
The tradional way the death of a Lutheran is announced to the public usually includes the phrase: Asleep in Jesus...... So said my mother, in-laws, as well as funeral director when making funeral arrangements for a family member.
Even though our little boy was baptised into the catholic church and a catholic priest was present when he died........
For my little family........
The grief a slight more tolerable with a mental image of our little one sleeping with Jesus. So "Asleep in Jesus" was our choice...even though we are officially catholic.
And now this is too much information.
Warmest Regards,
P.S. Announced publically as in Church Bulletins or Community News..
I thought the informaiton it might be helpful for those who are unfamiliar with an ancestors religious background. Nothing to do with tombstone etching..and I'm again very sorry to all who may have been offended.