I don't know if this site furnishes family info. or not, but we are looking for information on Gustav W. Fuess born in Hannover Oct. 12, 1822. His father was Wilhelm (that's all I have). Would love mor on Wilhelm, if possible.
Gustav married Caroline Wilkens (or Wrekens)
Thank you so much.
Patricia Fuess
Hi Bill:
I am afraid that more information will be needed. Looking for a name
in an area as large as Hannover would be like the proverb about
the needle in the haystack.
First: Hannover can be either the Kingdom of Hannover or the city of
Second: You need to determine alternative spellings. A possible
example would be F�ss where the umlaut replaces the (e).
Third: Information on relatives, such as dates of birth, sex,
relationship and information on them which might indicate their origin
in the KOH.
Fourth: When did he emigrate/immigrate, and who if anyone traveled
with him.
Fifth: Occupation.
Sixth: Interchange of names. Who is Wilhelm? Are you referring to
Seventh: You may have much more information than you think. List
items you are sure of, then items you have heard of but are not
A question to the List: would F�� be a possible spelling? Not in the
States of course.
Now here is some information I have from Castle Garden:
GOTTLIEB Fuess, farmer, age 58, arrived 27 Aug 1853 on the SAINT
NICOLAS, from WURTEMBERG. The first name Gottlieb and the DOB of
1797 don't fit your ancestor.
I tried Wilhelm and found one born in or about 1863. I only found 17
Fuess names, however, one of them could be related and there might be a
German town listed for that person.
See if you can provide information for any of the items I listed.
This List will give your querrie it's best shot.