Former Kindom of Hannover

Hello people on this list.

I hope someone would be able to try to help me out with some of this.

My distant cousin in Nebraska is looking for her ancestors from Lauenförde.

We have found the emigration for Conrad Schnelle, shoe maker, and his wife Christeana Brockmann or Brackmann, with four children.

Conrad and family left from Bremen 1834 to USA, and the ships list says, that they came from Lauenförde.

Conrad is supposed to be born in Bückeburg on January 14 1787, but left for Lauenförde 1822
to get married to Hanne Sophie Christeana Brockmann, and the family bible says, that they married on May 5 1822.

Christeana is supposed to be born January 10 1803 in Lauenförde.

What we would like to ask somebody to help with, is this:

WAS Hanne Sophie Christeana born at January 10, 1803 in Lauenförde, and who were her parents?
Were Conrad (perhaps Johann Conrad) married to Christeana on May 5, 1822, somewhere in Lauenförde?

And then - but I know it's possibly in another place, I have to look for that -
was Conrad Schnelle born on January 14, 1787 in Bückeburg?

We don't know anything about which church they belonged to.

Can anyone perhaps guide me in the right direction? It is my first try to find something in Germany.

I do read and speak German, but I have forgotten how to write it. Answers in German are very welcome too.

Thank you in advance

Jonna Kvist

Sehr geehrter Herr Horn,
haben Sie aus Lauenf�rde Daten und k�nnen der Frau helfen?
Mit freundlichen Gr��en
Klaus Kunze