FLAMME ex "Brauschweig"

Hallo Ingrid,
Unfortunately, I cannot recall you giving me any information of your FLAMME family - there would be no reason to because I did no know you had a link to Liebenburg and you did not know that my Heinrich Flamme of Immenrode and his son Hermann Flemme of Steinlah are also linked to Liebenburg.

You asked about Johanne Auguste and Franziska Sophie: I have given you all the baptism, marriage, burial information I received from Hildesheim kirchen archive and Wolfenbuettel/Brauchweig archive regarding my direct line plus I gave you what I found on Film No. 1742051which I then matched with a tiny bit of information on the Court Addresses on Film No. 1797567. This latter film MOSTLY only had male names listed, the children and wife only being numbers in columns until 1852. I know there were other 'Flamme' residents such as Johann, a couple of Franz and Heinrich(s) , etc. I have possibly missed information from both films because of the surname being mis-spelled. Also, sometimes when I thought I had found a 'Flamme' record the surname was transcribed by someone more experienced than me as 'Klemme' or 'Hann', etc. Rather like the American records which I see have 'Flammer' and 'Flamm' instead of 'Flamme' and 'Stechen' not 'Stecher'.

I have not yet heard from Alexander since our last correspondance on this list.

I hope you will inform me of any new data you find as I think possibly Mina Flamme may have changed her given name just as my gt.grandfather Hermann Flemme born 1854 in Steinlah changed his name from Franz Jacob Henning Flamme. If anyone can give me a reason why, I would be delighted to hear it.


Rena, I am just returned from my voyages to Hannover and France and I saw in
my mails, that Alexander answered. He said, that he had nothing what matches
with your research.So he can't help. He too, was not at home for some time.
Perhaps I can find some more Flamme, when I will be in Wolfenbuettel in
Regards Ingrid Gottschalk