Family tree program

Hallo zur sp�ten Stunde,
kennt jemand dieses Programm ?
Wo erh�ltlich ??
Ich kenne nur Family tree maker von Ancestry....
Beste Gr��e Harald

Hello Mr. Wambach & fellow genealogists:
In regard to a good family tree program, I have just this month switched
over to RootsMagic Version 6. It is a fantastic, user-friendly program. I
also bought the book "Getting the most out of RootsMagic" which is a big
help in learning all the details. You can install the program and get
started right away entering family members even without reading the book
but the program has many options that you would miss without the book. I
have been very happy with the transition so far. I had an OLD program and
I am having to enter everything in from scratch. One database (tree) can
hold up to 2 billion individuals so for those of you with A LOT of family,
you won't have any problems. I decided on this program after reading about
a lot of the programs out there in the magazine "Family Tree".

Good luck,
Heidi Kippschull Sisco

In response to: Message: 1

Guten Morgen Harald,
schau doch mal hier nach.

Gruß Friedel

Zun�chst w�nsche ich allen ein gutes und von Gesundheit gepr�gtes neues Jahr 2015.

Weiterhin die Frage, wer zu folgender Familie erg�nzende Angaben machen kann.

BURGARD Joseph, * 23-08-1865 in V�lklingen oo KLEINBAUER Catherine, * 12-11-1867 Altenwald,
wahrscheinlich beide in Bielefeld verstorben!

Bedanke mich f�r jede Erg�nzung.

Gru� aus Folschviller in Frankreich

Claude (Schreiber)