Familie Mevius

Liebe Listenmitglieder,
ich habe den Name J.H. Mevius in der American Family Immigration History Center Database-Ellis Island gefunden.
1896 war er 79 J. als er aus Hamburg in New York ankam. Auf der Liste steht er als amerikanischer Bürger.
Auf meiner Liste habe ich ein Johann Heinrich Mevius geb. 10 Okt 1815 in Marlow. Es gibt keine weitere Information, könnte sein, dass er ausgewandert ist. Könnte sein, dass er derselbe ist.
Kann mir jemand helfen? Ich bin sehr dankbar für Daten und Hinweise.
Mit freundlichen Grüssen,
Patricia Mevius

Dear Members,
I have found the name J.H. Mevius in the American Family Immigration History Center Database from Ellis Island.
He was 79 years old when he came from Hamburg to New York in 1896. He was registered as American citizen.
In my list I have a Johann Heinrich Mevius. He was born on October 10th, 1815 in Marlow. I don't have further information, it could be that he emigrated. It could be that he is the same person. Can someone help me? Thank you very much for any kind of information.
Best wishes,
Patricia Mevius

Dear Patricia,

At www.ancestry.com you can view the indexes of the US censuses which are held every 10 years. J. H Mevius does not appear in 1900, so perhaps he had died by then, or the index may be incomplete. If he was 79 years old when he came to the US, he may have been joining his other family members who were already living there. Most of the 1890 census was destroyed, but you will see that there are several Meviuses recorded in previous censuses. In order to get access to Ancestry's complete database, you either have to subscribe, or your local LDS Library should have access to it for free.


Garnet Marshall

Hallo Liste,

ich suche f�r den Ort (das Gut) Ramitz ( Lipsitz) auf R�gen das
entsprechende Kirchspiel. Vielleicht kann jemand der Mitlesenden hier
aushelfen? W�rde mich �ber Hinweise sehr freuen.

Mit freundlichen Gr��en,
Enrico (Darjes)