Familie HORÄTH-PRIMUS, Konrasdreuth/Hof, Oberfranken (Roth/Roth, Mittelfranken)

Good evening

To start looking for this family, all I have is the French marriage certificate in Fès, Morocco, dating 1927 (while he was in the 3rd regiment of the Foreign Legion (Fremdenlegion) of

Frédéric HORÄTH, born 7 Sept 1902 in Konradsreuth/Hof, Oberfranken
Parents : Gottlob HORÄTH, cartwright (in French: charron) and Margarete PRIMUS living in Konradsreuth, Bavaria
Gottlob HORÄTH was from Roth, Mittelfranken.
The family was Evangelishe protestants.

Gottlob may have had a brother called Hans HORÄTH who made a research on his family and got as far as a 15th century baron (so as to confirm there was no Jewish ancestry).
Margarete had a brother called Adam PRIMUS whose eldest son died in Russia during WWII.

Is there anyone with access to the marriage tables of Konradsreuth Evangelishe church (or Lutheran?) (Microfilms of LDS library?) who could look up for me the marriage between Gottlob HORÄTH and Margarete PRIMUS before 1902 ?

Where should I apply to myself to see these registers, if I manage to travel to Bavaria ?
Can I expect an answer if I make a request to the Stadt- Archives by post ?

Thank you for any answer to my questions whether in French, English or German.

yvette claudon fukuda

Hallo Yvette,

ich fand den Taufeintrag von Friedrich H�rath in Konradsreuth. Er ist als uneheliches Kind geboren. Vermutlich haben die Eltern sp�ter geheiratet. Im Taufeintrag ist nur seine Mutter Margaretha Primus angegeben. Margaretha Primus ist am 19.5.1884 in Ahornberg geboren. Sie war die Tochter des Heinrich Primus, der 1902 als Schrotth�ndler in Konradsreuth in dem Haus Nummer 85 lebte. Als Pate von Friedrich H�rath ist Friedrich H�rath angegeben, ein lediger Bahnarbeiter aus Metzlersreuth bei Gefrees, der 1902 in N�rnberg wohnte.
Die Kirchenb�cher von Ahornberg und Konradsreuth sind im Internet unter www.kirchenbuch-virtuell.de einsehbar (kostenpflichtig).

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Erich M�ller