Hi Maureen and Eric,
<grin> I didn't want you to think my son in law was a slacker. I thought we were discussing hours worked in a week and hadn't realised you were adding in the legal time off of 2 x 1 day bank holidays (when the banks shut) plus Good Friday, Whitsuntide Monday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day (and now) New Year's day which the UK now has - any other time taken off for holidays is what is agreed by individual companies but are not legally enforceable. Mainland Europe additionally have their saint days off which you over the pond apparently do not have. You'll notice they're mostly religious days. Christmas in mainland Europe is different from the UK when we lived over there all the children's toys had vanished from the shops 10th December so that Black Peter could help Saint Nicholaus deliver them, 24/25th was religious. I'm surprised you have so little for so much effort over there. I started work 1956 for a very old large engineering company owned by Quakers called 'Priestman' ('mann' on the end = a Germanic surname perhaps?) and I had all the religious/bank holidays plus 2 weeks annual holiday plus 3 paid 'concession' days a year which were for unforeseen deaths in the family, etc. Additionally after 5 years working for the company, as a 'loyalty' reward the company gave me an extra paid day off to mark each year I'd worked for them and that's where most 3+ weeks annual holiday starts plus of course we had free sports and hobby club facilities.
Maureen; I have to confess my mind was somewhat in the past, as since I retired the European Community have brought in new working hour regulations where employees are required to work less hours under the heading 'Health and Safety Regulations'. Oops, forgot - there's paid maternity leave, new dads are allowed legal paternity leave, then since UK became 'multi-national' other sections are also entitled to their extra holiday such as honika (spellng), and various muslims days, which means children of those parents are also allowed to have a day off schools. Plus of course if the company has large departments white collar workers are allowed to organise weekly hours so that they can accrue extra time (holiday) off.
Seems we've never had it so good
Is any migrant descendant thinking of coming back? :-))
Eric, you said: <<while they reap the fruits of our labor.>>
It's well known, bad employers abound when there's a big pool of unemployed labour to choose from! but for every rich boss there's tens of thousands of not so rich bosses struggling to keep their employees in work.
Hallo Zusammen,
mein Name ist Klaus Schmidt, bin in der S�d-Heide (5 km von Gifhorn) gro�
geworden, lebe aber seid 1979 in Berlin.
Seid einigen Jahren betreibe ich nun Ahnenforschung bei den Ahnen meiner
Frau. Das hat mich nach Ostpreu�en, Pommern, Schlesien und Th�ringen
gebracht. Nun aber m�chte ich auch die Ahnen meines Vaters SCHMIDT,
SCHRADER, JUNG, WOLPERS, und BOCK in Kreis Gifhorn erforschen. Habe schon
diverse Datens�tze dazu, m��te das nur entsprechend zusammen f�gen , und die
L�cken ausf�llen. Vielleicht kann der eine oder die andere mir dazu weiter
Freue mich auf eine gute zusammen arbeit, mit viele Gr��e aus Berlin,
habe Daten in Neudorf, Platendorf und Triangel f�r SCHMIDT, SCHRADER, JUNG,
WOLPERS, und BOCK ab 1886 bis ca.1790. Suche f�r diesen Zeitraum noch
weiterf�hrende Informationen, und Daten von vor 1790. Des weiteren suche ich
in Fallersleben PRIES.
ich wollte das nicht glauben, aber obwohl meine Familie aus dem Raum
Gifhorn/Fallersleben stammt und ich bis zu 17 Generationen zurück
aufgearbeitet habe, habe ich Deine Familiennamen nicht in meiner "Sammlung".
Triangel und Neudorf-Platendorf fehlen komplett. Schmidt habe ich mehrfach,
allerdings aus Gifhorn selbst sowie Gamsen / Kästorf und aus dem Südkreis.
Schrader habe ich in Fallersleben. - Aber eben nicht in Triangel,
Ich selbst stamme auch aus Gifhorn von der früheren Hauptstr., habe 1967 in
GF Abitur gemacht und dann 20 Jahre in Berlin (zuletzt Friedenau) gelebt,
bevor ich aus beruflichen Gründen in den Großraum HH verzogen bin.
Ich werde Dir bei Gelegenheit mal meine Gifhorner Spitzenahnen schicken, es
ist eigentlich kaum verständlich, wenn sich keine Verbindung herstellen
Hallo Wilhelm,
h�tte mein Vater nicht schon Anfang der 40ziger mit der Ahnenforschung
angefangen, dann h�tte ich f�r diese D�rfer wahrscheinlich auch noch nichts.
Mein Spitzenahn f�r Platendorf ist:
SCHRADER, Heinrich J.J. * ca. 1790
HEINKE, Cathar. Lucie
f�r Neudorf:
FRAUENSTEIN, Johann * ca. 1780
Schmidt, Wilhelmine
Klaus (Schmidt).
Maybe you have any information about my Jung that in Brasil have changed to Iung. I dont read germany, and have many dificulties to see about my family, but considering that my gfather came in 1920 to Brasil, is correct that isn�t dificult to see the lineage in Germany.
I am descendant of Yacob Jung and Margarida Reitz daughter of Conrad Reitz. Yacob is a engineer of bridge of the Germany Army
5 Childrens:
Edwin and Erwin Jung are acrobat in Germany, the famous " Yung Brothers or Tsuai Yung"
The son Oskar Friedrich Yung (My gfather) came to Brazil in 1922 with 2 brothers - Martha and Fritz.
Oskar Friedrich Jung *25/5/1903 Uster - Schweiz- Saarbr�cken
Hallo Wilhelm
habe soeben erfahren das es �ber Neudorf-Platendorf eine Ortschronik geben
soll, ist dir da etwas bekannt?
Soll schon 1956 od.57 fertig gestellt worden sein.