Essen vital records

Hi All

My Name is Valerie and I am new to this list. I do not speak or read German. Hope someone can give me information on getting vital records and census from Essen about my ancestors, Theodore Schweers born 1875 and his brother Joseph Schweers born 1888 Their parents had a bake shop in Essen there names Theodore Schweers and Christine Hofacker. Is there any searchable data bases with this information on it? Any help would be most appreciated Thank you Valerie :wink:

Hi Valerie,

Here is the link to request vital records in Essen.
You will be charged 7 Euro for each record.

The equivalence of census records can be obtained from

Kindest regards
Ingrid M

Hallo Ingrid,

Du hast vergessen die Suchgebühren zu erwähnen, die neben den Gebühren für
die Urkunden und Porto anfallen.

"Welche Gebühren sind zu entrichten?
Für das Suchen von Einträgen kann eine Suchgebühr in Höhe von 17,00 bis
55,00 EURO erhoben werden. Diese ist in der Regel zu entrichten, wenn keine
genauen Angaben über Datum oder Ort (Standesamtsbezirk, Straße, Krankenhaus)
des Personenstandsfalles gemacht werden können."

Viele Grüße


Hello Ingrid,

You have forgotten to mention the costs for search, that attack beside the
dues for
the documents and postage.

"Which costs are to be paid?
For the quest of entries, a cost for search can in height from 17,00 to
55,00 EURO is raised. This is to be paid normally, if no exact statements
over date or place, registry office-district, street, hospital, the
person-stand-case can be done."

Best regards

Hi Valerie,

If this Essen is near Warburg, then I may still have the Catholid church records on film at the Family History Center. I am on vacation right now, but can check for your names at the FHC a week from Saturday. I also have the Ossendorf records (neighboring village) and can check for your surnames. If your ancestors were Catholic, they should show up in the church records.

Penny Bonnar