
Since I cannot read German, I would appreciate it if they were in English.
Thank you. Rosella Gramstad


This list is bi-lingual. Many people are from Germany and German is their
language. You can copy their letter and paste it to an online translator,
such as

Or sometimes, I just look the letter over and see if there are recognizable
names of people or towns I am interested in and if not, delete it.



Which one ?

Friendly greetings

Falk Liebezeit

If any of them (German emails) seem interesting to you just ask for a
translation. There are enough of us on the list
who are bi - lingual

I'm using the emails, especially the ones written in both languages, to improve my German. I can get by (with a lot of gestures and "help from my friends") but it is so valuable to see the same message written out both ways. Part of my husband's family speaks Platt so I'm wondering if what I see sometimes is Platt or Dutch. Anyway, I'm thrilled that we're bi-lingual. They say the more you use your brain the less likely you are to get Alzheimer's. Let's hope.

Gina in (finally) soggy Southern Illinois