Re Church records in Oldenburg.
Marilyn, my experience with the church records I have used is the exact
opposite of Bill Hinte's. I have found them to be very well kept in
comparison with those of American churches by and large. Of course, there
were accidents--such as fires--that cause some parishes to lack records in
certain periods, but since the time when the records began, they will be
marvelously helpful to you. Most records will contain the appropriate
dates, adding the names of both parents, the job of the parent, and if they
are not from that parish the record will very likely mention where they came
from. I have found this to be true in records from many sections of
The records of the Oldenburg churches, however, have not been microfilmed by
Mormons, and so are not available through your local Family History Center.
However, the OGF--Oldenburgische Gesellschaft fuer Familienkunde (a
historical society) is hard at work to make them available through CD's and
in some cases online.
The Elsfleth Church records can be obtained through Christian-Siegfried
Busing, Glashutter Weg 58, 22844 Norderstedt or possibly through the pastor
of the parish, Wilfried Giesers, Oberrege, 26931 Elsfleth. I have received
records of the parish in the past, and have found the contact to be most
gracious in responding to my request. Just send it to him by snail mail,
since there is not email address on the website of the OGF.
Finally, if you read German, do study the OGF website in German very
carefully. It is chock full of aids for the researched.
Hugo Schroeder