Edwards Family from Danzig


I am researching my great grandfather, Charles Edwards, he was born around 1839-1841 in Danzig Prussia, now Gdansk Poland.
He may have also been known as Carl Edvars or Edvards.

His father was apparently English and his mother German. I have no other details of them other than that the family were involved in the cotton industry.

He migrated to New Zealand around 1862 and arrived qualified as a master mariner.

Any help on this would be appreciated.


Hello Ian

You may find information regarding the family name linked on one of the
pages located or linked here:


Pax Vobiscum,
...mark (Mark Rabideau)

ManyRoads Family Genealogist (Rabideau-Henss Family)
Visit us at: http://many-roads.com
Snail mail at: 711 Nob Hill Trail - Franktown,CO USA - 80116-8717
phone:+1.303.660.9400 fax:+1.303.660.9217
member: Association of Professional Genealogists & National Genealogical

Do you know any further information such as the religion of the family, and
whether they came from Danzig itself or surrounds? Have you been able to
find a shipping manifest?
Are you familiar with filmed records available at Family History Centres?
There are however a lot of churches in Danzig itself so you may have a huge
job ahead unless you can considerably narrow down the birth location.
Kind regards,