Dunken, stockmann, wollert, becker, kooz, gabert (gebert, gaebert)waltow, harf, gerlieb, huwe

I am searching for information on these families...


From these locations: Stettin of Bromberg, Germany (Szczecin of Bydgoszcz, Poland), Temberburg, Germany (Czalinek, Poland), Weide, Koncziz in Neuenburg, Stralsund

Gertrud Melita Dunken born 13 SEPT 1871 Templeburg, Gertrud had several siblings.

parents of Gertrud Melita: Albert Julius DUNKEN (mullenbauer) born 1839, married 1865 evangelical, Bromberg, to Anna Dorothea Elisabeth STOCKMANN born 1843 Stettin

parents of Albert Julius Dunken: Ludwig Ferdinand DUNKEN born 1811 married 1837 Friederika WOLLERT born 1816 Weide

parents of Anna Dorothea Elisabeth STOCKMANN: Johann Christian Carl Wilhelm Julius STOCKMANN born 1818 Stralsund, married 1842 Stettin Augusta Louisa Albertine Becker (Wilhelmina) born 1815 Stettin

parents of Ludwig Ferdinand DUNKEN: unknown

parents of Friedrika WOLLERT: Cornelius WOLLERT and Maria KOOZ from Koncziz in Neuenburg, married 1808 Weide, daughter of Ferdinand KOOZ

parents of Johann Christian Carl Wilhelm Julius STOCKMANN: Carl Jakob STOCKMANN ("underofficer 8th Company of Royal infantry regime") born 1775 Stralsund, married 1797 evangelist military command of Stralsund, Anna Maria Harf (Harfen) daughter of Johann Harf (soldier) and Elisabeth GERLIEB

parents of Augusta Albertine Louisa BECKER: Friedrich BECKER died 1848 Stettin, married Dorothea Sophia Gabert (Gaebert, Gebert) born 1780 St. Marian Berau near Berlin, daughter of Johann Christoph GABERT and Dorothea Sophia HUWE.

parents of Carl Jakob STOCKMANN: Johann STOCKMANN ("war sailor"), son of Caspar STOCKMANN and Anna N.N. Johann STOCKMANN married Maria Magdalena WALTOW.


Thank you, Carol Jesse

Jessefamily schrieb:

I am searching for information on these families...


>From these locations: Stettin of Bromberg, Germany
(Szczecin of Bydgoszcz, Poland), Temberburg, Germany
(Czalinek, Poland), Weide, Koncziz in Neuenburg,

Hallo Carol,

if you need informations about Stettin (Pictures, Maps, etc.) I think I
can help you. I often drive to this town !


if you need informations about Stettin (Pictures, Maps, etc.) I think I

can help you. I often drive to this town !


Fantastic!! Thank you so much!

Jessefamily schrieb:

I am searching for information on these families... GERLIEB,....

Have got an parish-book-entry about Maria GARLIEB from Salzwedel in Sachsen-An-
halt, who came into my region, North-East of Lower Saxony. Time: 30.08.1819
Interested ? Greetings Hans Peter Albers

Not sure whether it could be; but maybe it is best to check. I have so little information... what I have says that my Elisabeth Gerlieb married Johann Harf. (on the daughter's birth certificate her father's name is written Harf and the daughter's Harfen) They married in 1797 in Stralsund... however it was probably a military base there or something as these certificates look like they are military and her husband is called "a soldier"
Carol Jesse
Hans Peter Albers <320097756779-0001@t-online.de> wrote:Jessefamily schrieb:

I am searching for information on these families... GERLIEB,....

Have got an parish-book-entry about Maria GARLIEB from Salzwedel in Sachsen-An-
halt, who came into my region, North-East of Lower Saxony. Time: 30.08.1819
Interested ? Greetings Hans Peter Albers

Jessefamily schrieb: Not sure whether it could be; but maybe it is best to check.

There it is and as it will be also of some interest for some of the hannover-list
a copy up to there:

KB Thomasburg 30.08.1819 (KB short for Kirchenbuch, means parishbook of...)

contence: am 30.08.1819 ist Magdalena Dorothea M�LLER aus S�ttorf Taufpatin bei
dem Kind Margarethe Dorothea (+18.Sept...), T.der unverehelichten Maria GARLIEB,
aus Salzwedel geb�rtig, wohnhaft in Radenbeck im Hause des Musikanten THAEDER,
Vater ist Heinrich Otto MEYER zu Willerding

Greetings Hans Peter Albers

There is really nothing here that I can connect to. However, thank you for your efforts.
Carol Jesse
Hans Peter Albers <320097756779-0001@t-online.de> wrote:Jessefamily schrieb: Not sure whether it could be; but maybe it is best to check.

There it is and as it will be also of some interest for some of the hannover-list
a copy up to there:

KB Thomasburg 30.08.1819 (KB short for Kirchenbuch, means parishbook of...)

contence: am 30.08.1819 ist Magdalena Dorothea M�LLER aus S�ttorf Taufpatin bei
dem Kind Margarethe Dorothea (+18.Sept...), T.der unverehelichten Maria GARLIEB,
aus Salzwedel geb�rtig, wohnhaft in Radenbeck im Hause des Musikanten THAEDER,
Vater ist Heinrich Otto MEYER zu Willerding

Greetings Hans Peter Albers