
Hallo Ingrid

im Buch "Geschichte der Stadt Drengfurt" von Hugo Bonk aus dem Jahr 1905 ist zwar haeufig von Zerstoerung (Tatarenueberfaelle, Braende, Sturm, Baufaelligkeit) der Kirche die Rede, aber nicht das Drengfurth zu einem Kirchspiel des Kreises Gerdauen gehoert hat. Bei Wolfshagen koennte es sich um das Kirchspiel Nordenburg gehandelt haben.

gruss Bernd

Hallo Bernd und Ingrid,

ich muss mich doch mal zu Wort melden, da hier einiges drunter und dr�ber geht.
Schaut mal unter http://www.ahnen-gesucht.de/ahnenspuren/ostpreussen/landkreise/ nach.

Drengfurt ist seit 1545 Kirchspiel. Nur wurde es 1819 von Gerdauen nach Rastenburg eingegliedert. Das ist alles, was es mit dem Jahr 1819 auf sich hat.
Auch in Goldbecks Topographie von 1785 ist es schon als Ksp zum Kirchenkreis Rastenburg vermerkt.

Herzliche Gr��e,

    Fritz (Loseries)

I will appreciate your help. Looking on maps I have
been trying to figure out how far the towns of Melzow
& Malchow are from each other. They are both in the
Uckermacht, Brandenburg, Germany. I have not run
across a map (yet) which shows both towns.

I do know that Melzow is listed as being at Latitude
53 degrees, 10' 6 N; & Longitude 13 degrees 54' 0" E.
While Malchow is shown as being at Latitude 53 degrees,
25' 0 N; & Longitude 13 degrees, 55' 0".

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Leslie Kohler

Hello Leslie Kohler,

From Melzow to Malchow there is 157 km.

Best greetings
J�rgen (Wedig)

For future reference, once you know the correct locations you can enter the
co-ordinates of one into Shtetlseeker
and then a search for the other will give the distance away.
Melzow populated place 53°11' N 13°54' E E M U G Germany 50.5 miles NNE of
Berlin 52°31' N 13°24' E
As it turns out there are plenty of places named Malchow (and very similar)
Mahlzow populated place 54°04' N 13°48' E E M U G Germany 61.1 miles N of
53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow farm 52°17' N 14°31' E E M U G Germany 67.3 miles SSE of 53°11' N
13°54' E
Malchow populated place 53°25' N 13°55' E E M U G Germany 16.1 miles N of
53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow populated place 53°27' N 11°46' E E M U G Germany 89.9 miles WNW
of 53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow populated place 53°29' N 12°11' E E M U G Germany 73.7 miles WNW
of 53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow populated place 53°29' N 12°26' E E M U G Germany 63.9 miles WNW
of 53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow populated place 54°00' N 11°28' E E M U G Germany 114.6 miles WNW
of 53°11' N 13°54' E
Malchow, Berlin-Malchow section of populated place 52°35' N 13°29' E E M U
G Germany 44.9 miles SSW of 53°11' N 13°54' E
Malzow populated place 53°52' N 10°58' E E M U G Germany 129.3 miles WNW
of 53°11' N 13°54' E
As you have given the co-ordinates for Malchow it looks like being about 16
miles between your two locations.
Hope you enjoy this feature of Shtetlseeker.
Kind regards,